Yes I had an experience with lost hamster. Only that I lost him to my cat. GRRR so I promised to never have hamster as pet again when I have cats around here. It wont work as my cats are smart to get in the cage, dont ask me how??? I dunno!![]()
Hey Everybody,
My hamster RAN AWAY!! i am freaking out he ran away Thursday night!!!!! i miss him he is gone for 2 days now. HAs anybody had this experince b4??? PLEASE REPLY !!!!!
Yeah hamsters, squirrels, guinea pig, mice as such are very vulnerable to predators. Cats, owls, snakes, coyotes gets these for their meal. Thats why you gotta make sure your cage is fully secured and in a safe room where cats can't get in. Example bedroom door, keep it closed and locked so cats can't get in.
Awwww.My younger sister lost her hamster once too and never was found ever since that day she lost it, that happened two years ago.
I hope your hamster will be found.
Did you find your hamster yet? I hope so.
Happened to my brother once. My brother and I had our own pet hamsters. One night, I happened to wake up in the middle of the night. When I looked at the hamster cage, I thought I saw what looked like his hamster sitting outside in front of the cage. I immediately jumped out of bed (it was a bunk bed and I slept on top) and turned on the light. I looked back... it was gone. I woke my brother up and we looked all over the room for it, but couldn't find it. A couple days later, my dad heard noises in the kitchen. So, we left a piece of lettuce in the middle on the kitchen floor near where the noises were coming from... turned off the lights (only the little light over the stove was on)... and hid in the living room peeking in... waiting...sorry your hamster escaped...sometimes there isnt much you can do...but try setting a friendly trap with a piece of resistable food good for hamsters to eat. you gotta remember that hamsters are escape artists and will do anything to try escape.
my brothers kid had hamster before but he escaped and never found him again...he was lost forever.