My half sister don't know how read.

Well, I don't know if they did. I don't live there. My dad is one person that he abuse. My half sister and her mom don't live with him. I don't see what her mom and my half sister doing for living. I only came to Rawlins, Wyoming for few times. I don't think my half sister is disability.

I admit that my half sister's mom is unfit mother. I had to stay with my dad for Summer when I was teenager. Her mom and her mom's son always came over my dad's house to hang out. Many time they slept over my dad's house. I always see her being drunk. I had to take care of my half sister's mother's son Example, He didn't wash his mouth after eating, playing etc. I had to wash his mouth even his nose. He never blow his nose. Eww I told His mom that she need clean or tell him to blow his nose. She didnt take serious. I had to tell him to do it. He drank with food in his mouth, foods went into his drink. eww I told his mom about it. she said nothing. I had to take his drink and drain and get new drink. I told him to not drink with food. He begged for it and I said no you need finish with your mouth. My dad support my side.
Her son didn't take shower for many days, He wore same clothes in one week. Eww I cannot control over him everything becausse i was only teenage and I am not his mother or brother.

That why I always label her mother is unfit!!!!!!!

She certainly sounds like an unfit mother. I'm sorry that you are going through all of this worry and hope that something can be done to help her. To report it to an agency, you don't have to know for sure that abuse is happening. You only have to suspect that it might be, and be concerned for your sister's safety and well being. The agency will determine if abuse is occurring.
My aunt said my half sister's mom didnt teach anything at all and my half sister was playing outside and watch tv that she do.
That's exactly why I think that homeschooling is a little too iffy.....I mean in the states where oversight is very strict, it can be a good thing...that way the government can make sure that kids are learning and they're not just watching TV or playing. However in states where oversight is lax, the end result may be a kid who can't even get a GED!!!
I really think you should talk to your dad....I mean she's so illiterate she couldn't even read what you wrote her....she's prolly on a kindergarten reading level!!! That is BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If she'd gone to a real school, she'd at least have reading abilty.
lilylover72, If you love your half sister very much, and no bullshit. Get a family lawyer and file a motion to custody of your half-sister. Of course Governments cant do help you anything since she is 18 years old.