My "Epoq" Journey

Oh you are welcome. I though I had lost my mind for a minute. I am in the loaner so it might be better with a new one. I am sure there is a firmware out there that will fix the issue. So glad to hear you are enjoying it and yes it does feel like wearing an old body aid! ;)

I am not completely sold yet on the Epoq. Thus far I am enjoying it and not seeing many draw backs (especially if the streamer works better than the one i have).

My Audiologist warned me about the streamer and that it has to be charged every night. :(
Epoq XW

Hi Everyone,
I too have had normal hearing most of my life about 5 years ago I noticed ringing sounds in my left ear didnt pay much attention to them and stayed in denial untill recently wife and children twisting my arm to get checked and I did. come to find out left ear is 25 db lower than right ear and right ear needs hearing aid so surgery for left ear is not a option. Becouse surgery would only get my left ear as good as my right ear and it still needs the aid. It has progressed so far that I can not hear someone ride up on a motorcycle untill they are about 20 feet behind me and I now notice that I can not hear directions. With that being said I was fitted for the oticon epoq XW with Streamer due to Our buisiness and I must talk on the cell phone Alot. Another Important Feature for me is to be able to hear directions due to my love of the outdoors. so I will keep you all posted on my findings of the XW when they get here in about two weeks. If anyone has any Advice it will be greatly Appreciated.
Yes, that's one reason I decided to spend the extra money for the XW's - to get the ability to identify where sounds are coming from more easily. :)