my dogs chewed my ear mold:(

I looked over and was like was in pieces..the mic covers are gone too and the tubing is chewed...good thing they didn't chew the hearing aid..fml

bad boy! bad boy! no! no! no! *raising my hand*

I'm just so happy that my dog does not chew on anything especially ear molds. My previous dog did.... what a problem dog....
Aw c'mon. Clearly he was just kidding. That's the sort of thing my hubby and I might joke about - "well, we either need to find a dog-proof blanket for this couch, or quit owning dogs." Obviously what we're about to do is buy a dog-proof blanket!

Someone as cordial to Bott's "gang of hounds" as drphil is clearly was kidding with the "get rid of the dog" comment.

funny Dr.Phil comedy :lol:

Dr.Phil dog on become doctor :lol: j/k

owner dogs on ask on dr.phil :naughty: scared your :laugh2:
I had two basset of them is gone for good after she chewed up my hearing aids.

she went back to the rescue I adopted her from and was adopted out 2 weeks later...lord help the family that adopted that dog.


I cried...just sat down and started crying because I could not afford new hearing aids when this happened and I also felt helpless because for so long I've been with my hearing aids and I didn't realize how much I came to rely on them until they were gone. I just fell apart.
I always keep them in their case but even so that did not deter this dog. Put them somewhere safe in their case if at all possible.
:lol: Your dog will still love you and communicate the same, even if you hear nothing because he chewed up your earmold!

yes..yes he will..I came home and he was waiting at the door for me to give me my other dog was upstairs and as soon as she saw me she was VERY they don't care whether I'm deaf or can semi-hear out of one ear with my one hearing aid lol ...they will still love me no matter what:giggle:
yes..yes he will..I came home and he was waiting at the door for me to give me my other dog was upstairs and as soon as she saw me she was VERY they don't care whether I'm deaf or can semi-hear out of one ear with my one hearing aid lol ...they will still love me no matter what:giggle:

I will get new OCt. I will update:P whoot :)
Read post #1. AliciaM mentioned her dogs "chewed her ear mold". How many times chewed-not mentioned. Seems if her dogs does this- perhaps easier to get a plastic case for her Hearing aid and no further problem. Does seem easier to buy a case than "getting rid of her dogs" to me-anyway.

My cat-Prof SKY doesn't play with the rechargeable battery unit nor "play" with the plastic case for my Cochlear Implant that I have-so far 4 years.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Interesting discussion- so far!

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
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Read post #1. AliciaM mentioned her dogs "chewed her ear mold". How many times chewed-not mentioned. Seems if her dogs does this- perhaps easier to get a plastic case for her Hearing aid and no further problem. Does seem easier to buy a case than "getting rid of her dogs" to me-anyway.

My cat-Prof SKY doesn't play with the rechargeable battery unit nor "play" with the plastic case for my Cochlear Implant that I have-so far 4 years.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Prof SKY is obviously a noble cat! :lol:
Bottesini: Prof SKY has been here almost 15 years-arrived as 6 week old kitten. Sends a meow to your household. Well behaved.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Bottesini: Prof SKY has been here almost 15 years-arrived as 6 week old kitten. Sends a meow to your household. Well behaved.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Good long lived cat! My dogs are well behaved too, although a previous dog I had when my kids were small ate my very first pair of Reeboks. I was devastated.
Read post #1. AliciaM mentioned her dogs "chewed her ear mold". How many times chewed-not mentioned. Seems if her dogs does this- perhaps easier to get a plastic case for her Hearing aid and no further problem. Does seem easier to buy a case than "getting rid of her dogs" to me-anyway.

My cat-Prof SKY doesn't play with the rechargeable battery unit nor "play" with the plastic case for my Cochlear Implant that I have-so far 4 years.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

She NEVER said anything about getting rid of her dog, so why would you even mention it? That's what caught my attention. But whatever.
More than anything, some dogs and cats love the ear wax :giggle:
yumm yummm

To point out again- I never suggested that AliciaM "get rid of her dogs" because they chew her ear molds. How many times they do/have-unstated The costs of replacement ??

Does seems "simple" to put them in a "container" which her dogs can't open-hopefully. Does the dogs need additional "rubber bones to chew"? Perhaps place in night table drawer-hopefully her dogs can't open-cheaper?

Enjoy her dogs with undamaged Hearing aids/ear molds.

Have we exhausted all possibilities-dog chewing of ear mold/Hearing aids?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Recommend to get the best one beach waterproof plastic box string around ur neck if u have any jewelry box, cosmetic bag, travel credential holder, pocket zip wallet clasp with buttonhole or belt pants holder or put it in drawer if u sit or fell asleep next to lamp table in living rm, kitchen drawer or ur bedrm dresser everywhere ottoman box.
thats the thing wasn't in their was on the banister of the stairs hanging cuz I went to take a dog pulled it down and then my moms dog and mine had a field day with my pants and then found the hearing aid I they are smart puppies hhaa

I got some sample of dog food for Marty and put it in my pocketbook, when I got home I thought I better take the food out of my pocketbook so Marty will not go after it and I left my pocketbook on top of the dog crate which was Finlay and it tall! I when on line on a minute and I when to check up on Marty and there he was with my pocketbook looking for his dog food! I got to him just time before he could rip my pocketbook apart! Yes dogs are too smart! I some time leave my HA on my coffee table , I better not do that anymore as Marty loves to chew on things!!
Oh, definitely don't do that!!! That would be prime territory for a dog to reach.

Dr.Phil and the rest of us who are suggesting, humorously and not-so-humorously, to put those things in a safe place are not kidding!

Jaspheth, your story breaks my heart, but I'm glad at least that the dog was adopted out to another family instead of euthanized.
Oh wow so sorry to hear that. I know what that's like. My dog chewed 2 of my hearing aids within a years time. My fault though, I kept leaving them out where he could get to them. Dogs love the smell of those stinky ear molds. :)