My decision to chose white due to marriage religion reason

that's lie.

on wikipedia and church

italy, malta, and philippines are banned to divorce

why are you using wikipedia? If you are a very religious person, then you should know all of this very well. Talk with your priest about divorce.
let's not get two steps ahead of ourselves

you need to get a girl first before you talk about divorce lol
how come? you kidding?

yes, it is called tongue in cheek humor.

I think you are trying to plan a future with a mystery someone. You cannot plan ahead that way.

Make some new friends. Stop worrying about finding the right woman. You will eventually find her when you stop looking.

You cannot find love, love finds you.
More Matajan poetry! This one's a winner!

My decision to chose
white woman
who had common interests because
I learned that I cannot change
my mind during marriage
if I was not happy
with someone who is asian or
others ever other reasons
like communication
or culture
or else who against deaf friendly,
but divorce is banned
by catholic in the philippines
or elsewhere.
I know god give me one
who would marry someone
then promise for lifetime
but cannot divorce
which means i chose white
is easy for me who had
common interests.

any you know about religion against divorce?
My decision to chose white woman who had common interests because I learned that I cannot change my mind during marriage if I was not happy with someone who is asian or others ever other reasons like communication or culture or else who against deaf friendly, but divorce is banned by catholic in the philippines or elsewhere. I know god give me one who would marry someone then promise for lifetime but cannot divorce which means i chose white is easy for me who had common interests.

any you know about religion against divorce?

Christians aren't allowed to be racist ... (saying only white women is good enough for you to marry is a racist statement)

You say that white women have hobbies, sports etc in common ?? The colour of someone's skin has nothing at all to do with what they like to do, what hobbies or sports they like, how smart/educated they are etc. Maybe you believe only white women are good enough and have the same things in common because you are afraid or refuse to see past colour of a women and see who they are in the inside (smart, funny, sense of humour, etc)

I have very serious questions for should think about and maybe talk with your priest about.
-What if God intends for you to marry someone who is Asian, Black, Aboriginal etc not white ?

-What if God brings the perfect women into your life to show you that it doesn't matter what colour your skin is ???

-What if your heart in blind to finding the right woman because she is right in front of you but you don't see her because she is the "wrong colour" or doesn't have the "right education" or attend the "right school" ... there are many very very smart, funny, woman who haven't gone to Ivy league school (Maybe they moved to USA from another country ? for example, Canada doesn't have "Ivy League" schools at all!! but has many very educated women!)"

-What if there is someone who is your perfect women for you - but she hasn't got the right degree, right school, and isn't white - but is really the exact right person for you ... the person God created to be your future wife ... but you refuse to get to know her at all because you aren't open to seeing who she really is as a person (instead of just seeing school, piece of paper, colour of skin etc?) ... don't you think that would be very sad ?
yes, it is called tongue in cheek humor.

I think you are trying to plan a future with a mystery someone. You cannot plan ahead that way.

Make some new friends. Stop worrying about finding the right woman. You will eventually find her when you stop looking.

You cannot find love, love finds you.

To me, it sound like you want a perfect white life with the white fence which is a fantasy.

I am a Native Catholic old woman from Canada. I am not white, mind you. No body is that perfect in appearance, behavior or any type of imagination of what you expect to find a white woman. I was married with my first husband, but our marriage went downhill and he was having affair with some other woman. He made her pregnant. So we had to get divorce.

Now I am married for the second time. I did talked with my priest that we wanted to get married. He said that he was pleased that we talked to him about it and he need us to give him a reason why I had to divorced my ex-husband. Anyway, we decided to get married at the town hall with the Justice of the Peace (real Judge). So now we have been married for 13 years so far and so good. If your Catholic Church is strict in your country and have not change like we have change here in USA and Canada.

Like one of the Aders said you have to love someone as being special, not an object or thing. You have to care about someone very deeply. Being married is not that easy but it take two heads (meaning two people to work on the marriage) to make the marriage work. Just enjoy being an only guy and go out to meet friends and have fun. One of the days you will meet someone special in your life. Just take one day at a time for every day. So good luck.