What about VRS?
I never thought about it. I figured if I can hear the girl on the phone (volume cranked full blast) I could get by. I didnt think my deaf accent is that bad but the phone seems to make it worse.
What about VRS?
Ive been replying to ads on the internet. Some are interested, we exchange pics and email back and forth, but when its time to talk on the phone thats when it ends. The girl will be like, I am really busy but I will "definitly" call you back. Im no chump when I hear them emphasize "definitly" calling me back that means get lost. They never call or email me ever again. :roll:
Just letting deaf chicks know some of the difficulties deaf guys have when it comes to dating.
Looks like I gotta take some more speech classes.
women tend to be skittish. The phone is their big test before meeting face to face.
I tried telling a girl I was deaf and dont like talking on the phone and she was said forget it.
Women are very picky on the internet. They get a zillion responses for their one ad. They find something they dont like to trim down the heard. What gets me through the first cuts is I am tall and have a full head of hair. A short guy probably has a harder time than me.
Those women are NOT worth your time. Seriously. I'm dating a deaf man and I do not mind his deaf voice. He doesn't voice much but then again I am learning ASL. Sometimes you find people when you're not looking for them, sounds cliché but it's so true. Best of luck Doug
I had one guy say my HOH accent was sexy! And some people thought I had a Spanish accent!
If the women say they will call back later and never do , you're better off with out the snobs! Anyone that judge a person by their speech without meeting you is not worth your time of day! Do not let these jerks get to you!
I had that happen to once . I was at a friend party anda guy was coming on to me ,I could not hear him , he ask my friend what wrong with me ! When he found out I was HOH , he lost interest in me! The guy thought I was really pretty but he was not man enough to date a HOH woman!
You have to find a woman that does not care what other people think!