My DD is sick....

Actually she's not being difficult - she's laying down on the couch next to me sleeping.
Dixie, I sure hope your daughter gets better. If temperture doesn't go down do take her to the ER. Keep us updated.
Dixie ... is there some bug going around your suburb/city area, that your daughter may have?
Ive not heard of other children in her daycare being sick so who knows?
It is 100.8 Whew! Now if we can just get it down and get it to stay down we'll be alright. If she wakes up with a fever tomorrow I will likely have to take her back to the clinic.
If it hasn't changed much by tomorrow then I would say forgo the clinic and go to emergency. I was misdiagnosed twice at the clinic with pneumonia. They told my mom i just had a cold and then i ended up in the hospital because i was getting worse
Yeow, Poor girl. I'm sure you are keeping her at your bay to make sure she recovers through this. Kids are apt to recover better than adults do. In the meantime, I hope she is resting comfortably and to ward all this off.
She's back to sleeping. She didnt eat much dinner and her stomach still hurts. I'll give her a bath shortly and check her temp.
Just a thought, Dixie, mom to mom: you might want to let her sleep with you tonight so if her fever spikes, you'll know and can take action. I used to do that with my son when he was small because he had seizures with fever. But I know having him that close so I could be there immediately if his fever started to spike during the night relieved my worry a great deal. A kid will usually start tossing and turning in their sleep if their fever starts up, so it would most likely wake you and alert you.

Hope things are much better for both of you tomorrow.
She sleeps with me anyway when she is sick, so its no biggie.
Oh my goodness I am sorry to hear that and hope she feel better soon. I sure will pray for her to get well. :hug: I know what that feel like. I am a mom and have a son. I do worry about him too.
what about a nice cold towel on the head?
I may do that when we go to bed here in a minute, but first she needs her temperature checked then a bath!
I do that when i am sick, i got better next day. :lol: It works. Keep temperature down.

I may do that when we go to bed here in a minute, but first she needs her temperature checked then a bath!

yea it helped a great deal when I had a suicidal flu last year lol - my first flu ever in my life and I had no idea it was that bad. I went crazy and I was in huge pain cuz my head was burning very hot. After a short while with a cool towel on my head, I slept like a baby.
yea it helped a great deal when I had a suicidal flu last year lol - my first flu ever in my life and I had no idea it was that bad. I went crazy and I was in huge pain cuz my head was burning very hot. After a short while with a cool towel on my head, I slept like a baby.

I felt same way. Yikes.
yea it helped a great deal when I had a suicidal flu last year lol - my first flu ever in my life and I had no idea it was that bad. I went crazy and I was in huge pain cuz my head was burning very hot. After a short while with a cool towel on my head, I slept like a baby.

The flu had thoughts of killing itself?:giggle:
People get a fever because it is the way the body fight germs. A fever is okay for a short time, but it is just a warning that there is going on. It is best to wait a little while and let it nature to do its job. But, if the fever stays then it could be just about anything.

Damp cool cloth on the forehead always makes one feel better. Air conditioned room. Cool bath. All those things are helpful. Ice cold drinks are not good.

Most importantly drink a lot of water or juice but never take any juice which reads zero sugar or diet because that has aspartame or Spenda in it. Those are very bad for anybody to take.

Never feel badly for taking her to the doctor's or ER. It is your motherly instinct which is best for her.

Sometimes, the doctor give kids too many pills.