My DD is sick....


Farting Snowflakes
Premium Member
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Yesterday I had to pick her up from school early due to a fever which was 101 degrees.

I took her home gave her some fever reducer to get it down and it got down to 98 degrees, just running a tad warm for a 4 year old.

Last night just before bed we gave her more medicine to see if we could get the 98 fever down. No such luck. This morning we woke up to a 102 degree fever. She now says her tummy hurts, so something is going on to cause the fever. If it's the stomach bug I feel for her - those are never fun. :(

I have already called into work and let them know I won't be making it due to my DD being sick.

This comes after working only a day and a half thus far this week so my paycheck is going to be super itty bitty! Thank God for State health insurance for children!

I just hope this is nothing serious, but Im worried. No kid should be spiking a 102 degree fever in the summer. :shock:
Hope you daughter get better.. My daughter was sick and pain stomach with too many dairy alike ice cream and choc milk etc..?? :dunno2:

Take easy :)
She's drinking water and I told her to go light on the foods since her tummy is hurting lest she wants to poop or puke a lot.
I hope your daughter will be feeling better soon.
I hope better soon. "Hand, foot, and mouth" virus is going around Iowa now.

It isn't too serious, but does give a fever and stomachache.
We just got back from the doctor and we have ruled out appendicitis (sp?) for now. If her eating and drinking drops off or if her bowel movements become unusual we have to go back. She's on two medications right now plus the fever reducer. She's laying here on the couch beside me sleeping. Poor thing. If I could, I would gladly take her sickness for her so she could be well.
We just got back from the doctor and we have ruled out appendicitis (sp?) for now. If her eating and drinking drops off or if her bowel movements become unusual we have to go back. She's on two medications right now plus the fever reducer. She's laying here on the couch beside me sleeping. Poor thing. If I could, I would gladly take her sickness for her so she could be well.

I hope she be well soon.
Aww, poor baby. At least the doctor has ruled our anything serious. I'm sorry she doesn't feel well,though.
Dang.. hope your kid gonna be alright in no time..she gonna bounce back and be her old self so ya will be happy for sure.... do make sure she can take care and rest a lot..
You sound like a loving mama, Dixie. Thank you for posting today. Hope she's feeling better. My son is 4 and dd almost 3.
oh! I didn't know you have a daughter. Poor baby! get well soon
She's woke up long enough to eat a little bit of lunch. After eating she complained of her tummy hurting worse, and I checked her temperature just a moment ago. It is 102.8 :eek:

If it is not down in 30 minutes I am going to give her a lukewarm bath to get her temperature down.

She's sleeping right now. If it gets to 103 we are headed to the ER.
She's woke up long enough to eat a little bit of lunch. After eating she complained of her tummy hurting worse, and I checked her temperature just a moment ago. It is 102.8 :eek:

If it is not down in 30 minutes I am going to give her a lukewarm bath to get her temperature down.

She's sleeping right now. If it gets to 103 we are headed to the ER.

Absolutely go to the ER if you can't get her fever down.
It is 102.1 now, so it is going down a little bit.