my daughter is ill


New Member
Jun 28, 2011
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my daughter is ill she in other room in lot of pain and ulcer has broken down on her old wound site so i staying up all night with her,just got 5mins she sleep.the ulcer looks like it turning inwards on to her bowel,we may need go in hospital as emergancy anytime now....she in residential home but i got her home to me because they useless and never notice six inch hole in stomach oozing give us thought i pulling me hair out with worry.
I am sorry. I will keep you both in my thoughts.
Hope it all works out well....ur daughter must be very young to have an ulcer?....
Oh wow that's terrifying. (Terrifying that this is happening to her and also that they didn't notice.) I hope she'll be ok.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

It sounds like you really need to go to urgent care ...
^I agree with Anij...

I'm sorry to read that, and I hope that she will be healed soon...
That's very distressing news. I'm sorry that your daughter is in such agony. I hope that she gets the treatment that she needs.

I'm praying for her quick recovery. :hug:
Yeah i would recommend you taking her to Urgent care center. Better safe than sorry! I hope your Daughter is ok!
Caz, is she under a physician's care? An internal wound of any kind is pretty serious and should be seeking medical care asap. Hope she gets well soon!
It's been a couple of days. Any updates?
thank you for your surpport..she been given massive amounts of anti biotics,will be seeing surgon soon..she had something called malone procedure years ago,it popular in america but not in uk it seems her appendix has calsified and infected due to this malone bank holiday here in uk and health authority put out notice saying only go hospital if think you dying,i kid you not ,it in the paper and on local news...will lets you all know whats happening.agin thank you for surpport and thoughts
caz12-It must a relief to get a medical diagnosis of your daughter's condition.

Given the "apparent non concern" at the group home- your daughter should remain home-if possible or other "arrangements".

You now know this condition is serious and hope speedy resolution-medical -wise.

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