My Dad Passed Away...


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Jan 7, 2007
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...His official time of death was 8:15pm, Monday June thirtieth 2008. Official cause of death is a burst aneurysm in his brain which caused massive swelling that stopped his brain from functioning. I was told @ about 3:30pm that all of the tests that the medical staff could do and had done (and rechecked twice) had officially come back that he had no brain waves at all and that the only reason he was alive was the ventilator he was on. I had to make the decision as the last living next of kin to "unplug" him, (he did have a living will so it did make it easier to decide). A few family members and some friends came to say their goodbyes then I made them leave the room while I held my Dad as they pulled the tube out. He died in my arms. the obituary will be in The Cullman Times newspaper on the Thursday, July 3rd issue. the "viewing" will be on Saturday July 6th from 5:00pm till 9:00pm @ Hanceville Funeral Home. The funeral will be held in the chapel there @ the funeral home @ noon on Sunday. He will be interned following a small graveside service @ Riverside Baptist Church in Hanceville, next to my mom who died on March 20th this year and my brother who died on September 20th 1996. (The other loss Jolie77 is referring to was an old friend that took her own life in October.)
I'm very sorry for your loss. You will be in my thoughts in the coming days.
I am very sorry for your loss. You have my sympathy.
You know you have become the strongest person, and it is time to move on.
Wow, It seems like you've been through a lot this year with the recent death of your mother and someone else (I can't recall who it was) and now it's your dad.

I'm so sorry to hear about this. My condolences goes out to you.

This thread will be 'sticky' for the time being.
I'm very sorry for your loss. :(

That was a very hard experience for you. I'm praying for the Lord to comfort you and your family. :hug:
Awww, I'm sorry about your loss of your beloved father. :(
My condolences, Steph and in the coming days and weeks, may you have an inner peace that passeth all understanding.....
Steph.. ya have my condelences on the passing of your dad.. .maybe he find the peace he sought and join your mom and your brother as well....
I am sympathy about your dad. He is in the heaven now. I lost my dad since I was 15.
Steph, I am sorry about your recent losses. I couldn't even comprehend the feeling of losing both parents in so little spread of time, let alone along with other loved one. I have serious sympathy and just keep getting hugs- I think they help :cuddle: there's one from me OK

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