Not bad wreck! It's fixable by ripping out fender and replacing with new one and paint over it. It's cheap for insurance tho.
I scraped my beautiful 05 Durango last year on dumb short pole which is worst than yours. I was filling up gas on Durango and drove out (the parking exit was close to pump) It was a 2 feet long scrape with ripped rear bumper at Quick Trip. I got mad at Quick Trip for placing pole way too close to curb!!. I can't see em but felt somthing scraping because the sun was shining on my face while I was looking left for oncoming traffic. I pulled over and walked around. I freaked out what I saw!!
Quick Trip won't pay for it cuz they think it's my fault. Shush!! Not my fault!! It's their fault putting pole in weird place. You can see pix!!
I paid $500 deductable and Insurance paid $3,500 for body work plus new rear bumper. Now it's look beautiful again LOL. Check this pix..