I don't believe I have always had CAPD.
My CAPD was only diagnosed about a year ago. I struggled with it, misdiagnosed for many years.
My head injury happened in about 1984, a baseball to the head, when not much was known about TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). I seemed normal at the time and so nothing was done.
I was told my symptoms were all caused by migraines and "all in your head." That was until I finally found some professions who ran memory tests and other tests.
Most of my problems started with the head injury.
My vision problems also seemed to start with the head injury. I have undergone a lot of vision therapy so now I don't get as much vertigo and double vision.
It was in 2013 when I was found to have short term memory problems.
CAPD, memory loss, and vision problems can be caused by TBI.
And, now I just flunked the audiogram with a mild hearing loss on Friday. I was not expecting that.
Most of the doctors do not seem to believe that TBI can cause my problems but they can. But, the hearing loss, well, I guess that came from getting older.
My shock is that now I am mildly HOH along with everything else. Surprise, surprise. Another new layer of complexity.
As far as TBI causing CAPD, some veterans are being diagnosed with CAPD after blast injuries.