Surgery finished few hours ago.Looks like a successful operation. He did the left side today.He is only complaining for a sound coming from that ear ,a wave like sound.Doctor said is normal.Anyone had this after the operation?
Thank you for your personals expiriances.
We had the medel- Rondo
Yes.Only the rondo.If this ci is successful, in a few months will proceed for the right side.All expenses are covered so I don't think they will cover us for a back up pair.I will ask and if the money is in our spectrum we will consider it.
Doctor said he will activate the rondo in about 15 days.
BP: I have two friends who have Rondo, use it as their only processor and absolutely love it. They also have the Opus 2, but I don't know if they have ever tried it, because they are satisfied with Rondo.. so I guess it's different for everyone.
5 days later and my brother he is in good condition.Walking and can do light work.Also continues to take antibiotics.The only side effect of that is diarrhea.In 2 days we will go for cleaning the stitches back of the ear.
The wave like sound is gone.The weird is that he can hear little bit from this ear.
I talked with audi and she said they use Rondo for the most part and never heard anything like that.But we can test the opus if we like and decide.Also we can upgrade them every 4 years so we have the option for later.