My aunt just died from breast cancer..


Active Member
Jun 11, 2008
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My aunt just died a week ago on a friday night from breast cancer. Around 7pmish. So on tuesday we had the funeral that day. My aunt died young. She died at age 47, It was also suppose to be her birthday next month on Febuary 24th. She had breast cancer since 1997. She fought against it until 2005. But then in 2007 In early spring it came back and died on January 23rd. When the doctors realzed that she wasn't doing good, they moved her into hospice. My grandpa birthday was today so he had a hard time today because of the funeral this week on tuesday. My mom had it worse. My mom and my aunt were really tight. They were close sisters. Alot of people came to the funeral on tuesday. My mom is worried about my 2 cousins. Espically my cousin: Tyler who is a junior and goes to the same high school as I do. my other cousin: Drew, goes to college and is a sophmore. They're both brothers. And they knew that the day would come. My aunt knew that she wouldn't live a long life. But she didn't want all the focus on her. She wanted the focus on her famliy.

I remember when I was a kid. My mom, my sister, and my aunt (who died), we'd go out to big boys at night on a vacation or a summer break or whatever and get hot fudge cake for fun. And we'd talk about juicy stuff. I missed those days. What i have left of my aunt are her pictures. And my 15th birthday card from my aunt. And Remember how I'd talk about the marching band all the time here on AD?? well, It was my aunt who got me motivated. My mom and her had been talking to me about it when i was in the 7th grade. And I thought it'd be dumb. But then I realized that I started loving music and finally decided to try out for the marching band, I tried out for the pit, 3 days later I made it and my mom wanted me to call my aunt because my aunt was dying to hear if I made it in or not. My aunt was so happy for me. Now, I thank my aunt for motivating me to be in the band. And I'm in the winter drumline and i realize that I love music now. I wish she was still here though. She never been to one of my band shows. With the cancer I understand she couldn't because she was weak. The last time I saw her was on christmas day. She was there at my grandparents for a short time. We all miss her dearly.
I give you my sympathy for your loss.

At least she was happy to know that you've made into the band and will be listening to your music above.
I am sorry. Please make sure, you, your mom and your sister all have a mammography. make sure the x-ray tech "pressed hard" on the breast so the x-ray can be clear.
I am sorry that you lost your favorite aunt. Rest in Peace. It is hard to lose your love ones that is closer to you and your mom. Just take one step at a time, you can grieve over your aunt as you remember her but later I hope you will move on as it is always a cycle. I have wished my Dad and my Mom to live hundreds and hundreds years to live. It is sad now that your aunt was young because of cancer and wished that she does not have the disease of cancer so that she will live a long time too. We have many different diseases all over the place on Planet Earth, even radiation from the sun too. So it is hard to stay alive if we have those. If we are immune to the disease then we are lucky to be alive. Now God is watching your aunt. You have my sympathy ( not sure if the word is right for spelling). :hug:
I am sorry to hear about your auntie :hug:
((((((HUGS)))))) I am so sad for you :tears: I hope all your family will draw together for support at this time and become closer than ever.
The poor boys that have lost their mother, they will need all the love they can get from their family (((hugs))))

My mum lost her mother to breast cancer early too, I think my grandma was only in her mid thirties when she lost her battle to breast cancer that was left undiagnosed until too late. I never met her. My mum was a young teenager when her mother died. But looking at the pics of my grandma that my mum showed me, I wish that she hadn't died, that I had got to meet her, as she looked so beautiful. Mum said she was a lovely and gentle person.
Because of the possible genes, I have to go for a mammogram regularly every 2 years. I haven't had one for 5 years so I guess now that I read your post, I will book for a mammogram/breast scan asap.

Thank you for making us all realize that there are some things in life that are more important than petty things.
i'm so sorry, coolgirl. i know exactly how you feel. i lost my own mother to pancreatic cancer in 2004 and it was one of the most difficult experiences i've ever gone through. sending you plenty of hugs... :hug::hug:
All my sympathies to you on the loss of your aunt. My mom fought breast cancer this past year, so I know how scary it is to watch a loved one go through that.
My sypathies go to you and your family. My aunt is a breast cancer survivor and my stepmom's sister died last Christmas from it.
My condolences to you. I know how you feel as I lost my cousin to breast cancer few years ago. We were only 4 months apart so we were close when we were young. Her younger sister just passed away (Sept) due to cancer. My sister and I thought it was breast cancer but it turned out to be lung cancer that had spread to her brain.
I'm very sorry for your loss. :(

It's a blessing that your aunt left you with good memories of her, and the positive influence that she had on your life. :)
I am sorry. I have had family members die from cancer too. It is wonderful that you will have such good memories.

Am pretty sorry to hears the loss of your Aunt who a dear to you, I have a cousin who died of breast cancer, I know that feeling and I have been in your shoes from here to there. Prayer for you and to your family with love always! Hugs!

My aunt just died a week ago on a friday night from breast cancer. Around 7pmish. So on tuesday we had the funeral that day. My aunt died young. She died at age 47, It was also suppose to be her birthday next month on Febuary 24th. She had breast cancer since 1997. She fought against it until 2005. But then in 2007 In early spring it came back and died on January 23rd. When the doctors realzed that she wasn't doing good, they moved her into hospice. My grandpa birthday was today so he had a hard time today because of the funeral this week on tuesday. My mom had it worse. My mom and my aunt were really tight. They were close sisters. Alot of people came to the funeral on tuesday. My mom is worried about my 2 cousins. Espically my cousin: Tyler who is a junior and goes to the same high school as I do. my other cousin: Drew, goes to college and is a sophmore. They're both brothers. And they knew that the day would come. My aunt knew that she wouldn't live a long life. But she didn't want all the focus on her. She wanted the focus on her famliy.

I remember when I was a kid. My mom, my sister, and my aunt (who died), we'd go out to big boys at night on a vacation or a summer break or whatever and get hot fudge cake for fun. And we'd talk about juicy stuff. I missed those days. What i have left of my aunt are her pictures. And my 15th birthday card from my aunt. And Remember how I'd talk about the marching band all the time here on AD?? well, It was my aunt who got me motivated. My mom and her had been talking to me about it when i was in the 7th grade. And I thought it'd be dumb. But then I realized that I started loving music and finally decided to try out for the marching band, I tried out for the pit, 3 days later I made it and my mom wanted me to call my aunt because my aunt was dying to hear if I made it in or not. My aunt was so happy for me. Now, I thank my aunt for motivating me to be in the band. And I'm in the winter drumline and i realize that I love music now. I wish she was still here though. She never been to one of my band shows. With the cancer I understand she couldn't because she was weak. The last time I saw her was on christmas day. She was there at my grandparents for a short time. We all miss her dearly.