My 1st ASL Assembly (At Stanley Theatre)


New Member
Apr 4, 2006
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It took about 6 hours to get there (mainly because we got lost, it should have only taken 3-4 hours), but it was well worth it, this was my first time going to a JW Assembly in ASL, it was SO cool... one of the best experiences of my life and I can't wait to do it again. I made SO many awesome new friends (deaf, hoh, and hearing), and had fun staying up late in the hotel lobby playing UNO and just chatting :) This place has a HUGE dome ceiling and when there turn the lights of there are stars that light up, it's amazing! I believe there were a little over 1,400 people there... Here are the pix!

The front of the theatre... this place has SO much copper, it's definitly the fanciest place I've ever been!

Beautiful paintings and detail on everything.

I believe this is the second largest chandelier in the world (I might be wrong tho, it's famous for some reason... those are all real crystals)

Awesome detail on every tiny little thing, these are all signing friends, and the stage (with a HUGE projection screen [to the left] so everybody can see the people on stage signing)

A real nice JW (I think his name was Godwin, but I'm not sure) that me and my friend Chris met, he was very cool.

Me doing some tactile signing (my first time talking with a blind-deaf man)

Me and my buddy Chris up on the balcony

Me being silly in the lobby (such a beautiful building!)

Darn sexay!
awesome. its very inspire there. How come u didn't invite me? lol

Sorry, if you look carefully at the sign in the front of the building it says "all welcome" and it was free to get in, next time you want to go to one of those just ask a JW when they are, we have a few each year.
awesome pics. I guess you are JW, I used to study for a while, but the church I went too, it just didn't feel right.
It took about 6 hours to get there (mainly because we got lost, it should have only taken 3-4 hours), but it was well worth it, this was my first time going to a JW Assembly in ASL, it was SO cool... one of the best experiences of my life and I can't wait to do it again. I made SO many awesome new friends (deaf, hoh, and hearing), and had fun staying up late in the hotel lobby playing UNO and just chatting :) This place has a HUGE dome ceiling and when there turn the lights of there are stars that light up, it's amazing! I believe there were a little over 1,400 people there... Here are the pix!

The front of the theatre... this place has SO much copper, it's definitly the fanciest place I've ever been!

Beautiful paintings and detail on everything.

I believe this is the second largest chandelier in the world (I might be wrong tho, it's famous for some reason... those are all real crystals)

Awesome detail on every tiny little thing, these are all signing friends, and the stage (with a HUGE projection screen [to the left] so everybody can see the people on stage signing)

A real nice JW (I think his name was Godwin, but I'm not sure) that me and my friend Chris met, he was very cool.

Me doing some tactile signing (my first time talking with a blind-deaf man)

Me and my buddy Chris up on the balcony

Me being silly in the lobby (such a beautiful building!)

Darn sexay!

Thanks Rabbit for the pics. I remember the 1st time I went there I was ahhh also. One of my favorites is inside the adutorium, I like how they made it look like the night sky, And I liked the private boxes.
I hope to be at he District Convention this year. Stantly is a wonderful place, It hard to believe at onetme the city was thinking of demolishing it! But Thanks to work by Jw's it is a beautiful building.:dance2: