Multicore Hearing Aid for $100 on the Way!

Have you ever noticed how everyone claims that *their* hearing aid is God's gift to the world of hearing loss? :laugh2:

Well I know MINE is! :giggle:

Or at least for me anyway. I got mine because it fits best the profile of my hearing loss. They were expensive but they were "God's gift" to MY ears! Still can't hear the tone on my "Annoy A Teen" program on my iPhone but it is fun to do it to hearing people!

deafdyke I do remember that "Songbird" or whatever it was. They were disposable, or so they say.

To me these all sound like the kind you can pick up for $10 on eBay, or the "looks like a Bluetooth headset" kind you see advertised on TV. They amplify everything equally, so if you are hearing people mumble, you will now hear people mumble LOUDER. Only a real hearing aid - the expensive kind, unfortunately - can be customized by an audiologist to fit the profile of someone with hearing loss.
Well I know MINE is! :giggle:

I used to feel the same way about my Oticon 380Ps. They were wonderful analog aids that gave me years and years of performance.

In fact, they continued working from the day I got them until the day of my first CI surgery (15 years). From what my CI audi told me, they still work to this day, so that makes a total of 19 years that they've worked perfectly without needing a single repair. :cool2: