Thanks everybody for wishing on our safe move to New York and all...appreciate it and we are excited about it...and of course some of your
cute and funny comments like the spelling of "New Yawk"..I was just being
silly about the spelling of it, it is the way New Yorkers pronounce it, really, lol! My husband is a native New Yorker and he prounounces that way, heh!
No, we dont plan to live in Buffalo..we are moving out in the country which is about 70 miles from Buffalo. Hope that will answer your question, Liebling as
you thought we are moving into a big city, lol!
Yesterday we had a huge garage sale just to get rid of a lot of stuff, furniture and appliances..
We will be leaving around the 8th of August so i will not be online, probably
for at least a week or so..
thanks again and hugs to you all!! Love you guys!!