Moving to California

Which part in CA? Are you going to bring your horses from East to West? If SO, I might want to borrow your horses and ride on the beach, that'd be fun. I checked internet says ride horse on the beach for 1 hour cost nearly $250/hr. :mad: You can start your own business as horse riding on the beach, for sure you will be super-busy and profitable. :cool2:

If got jobs then will be in Livermore to Lodi ( 3 years in Lodi and Love it! ) If not about the job.. then will be at Murphy between Lake Tahoe to be near grandparent's home....

Rosie will be my last owner because I have been own horses for 22 years!.... No more horse busniess for me :aw:

Poor Rosie did transports back and forth from Calif to Ma three times! If we are moving back to Calif again then Rosie will come with us! :P
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Phillips said:
Which part in CA? Are you going to bring your horses from East to West? If SO, I might want to borrow your horses and ride on the beach, that'd be fun. I checked internet says ride horse on the beach for 1 hour cost nearly $250/hr. :mad: You can start your own business as horse riding on the beach, for sure you will be super-busy and profitable. :cool2:

If got jobs then will be in Livermore to Lodi ( 3 years in Lodi and Love it! ) If not about the job.. then will be at Murphy between Lake Tahoe to be near grandparent's home....

Rosie will be my last owner because I have been own horses for 22 years!.... No more horse busniess for me :aw:

Poor Rosie did transports back and forth from Calif to Ma three times! If we are moving back to Calif again then Rosie will come with us! :P

Quit moving back and forth lol
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Phillips said:
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Quit moving back and forth lol

I know that!! LOL!! Seem that you too and hope you will be final return to settle down in Calif? :giggle:

Haha I hope so too! Somebody chain me so I can't leave lol. :-D
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Glenn said:
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Haha I hope so too! Somebody chain me so I can't leave lol. :-D
buy a house. :)

Lol those houses cost arm a leg there in many places but cheaper in small towns. I'm in Iowa and still can't afford a house based on my credit and all.
I just checked out houses for sale in Modesto and they're in the million$!!
Are you planning on buying or renting? I thought of moving back to Cal. as I am getting sick of the cold and snow!! But the prices of homes are way out of my price range!
No way, there is alot of houses there so cheap. My mother used to live in Turlock not too far from Modesto. Many houses there are foreclosures.
James Town or Sonora are my favorite place, Mother Lode area. Many small towns around Yosemite are neat too unless u want to live in bigger city. Check Paradise out too and the surrounding. Unless you want to live near coast, Atascadero or Paso Robles area. As for Humbolt county, they are beautiful but we have to deal with those pot growers. My kids went up to visit my brother and deal with those strangers with guns. never want to send my kids there again. I want to buy a vacation home up in Mammoth Lake area ( not too far from Mono Lake), our favorite place in Calif for mini vacation. Good luck finding a good place to live.
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Lol those houses cost arm a leg there in many places but cheaper in small towns. I'm in Iowa and still can't afford a house based on my credit and all.

I know true expensive on house cost, you otherwise careful watch reading find out less on cheap house that is wisdom Hope be you hard find out city not easy! It is very pretty complication!
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Just read that California ranks 9th for happiest state to live. With that economy and illegal immigrants and all the taxes?!

You can grow pot there are all year ! That it why people are so happy there! And the fact that is no snow help too. I guess people do not SAD synonym
as much out there.
James Town or Sonora are my favorite place, Mother Lode area. Many small towns around Yosemite are neat too unless u want to live in bigger city. Check Paradise out too and the surrounding. Unless you want to live near coast, Atascadero or Paso Robles area. As for Humbolt county, they are beautiful but we have to deal with those pot growers. My kids went up to visit my brother and deal with those strangers with guns. never want to send my kids there again. I want to buy a vacation home up in Mammoth Lake area ( not too far from Mono Lake), our favorite place in Calif for mini vacation. Good luck finding a good place to live.

Yes, high percentage of potheads are in Northwest coast region like Mendocino and Humbolt counties. Sonoma County has a pretty good number of potheads, too. Santa Rosa is pretty much a down to earth town that feels more of a country town than a city.
Yes, high percentage of potheads are in Northwest coast region like Mendocino and Humbolt counties. Sonoma County has a pretty good number of potheads, too. Santa Rosa is pretty much a down to earth town that feels more of a country town than a city.

I knew a guy that had a pot farm! The plants where huge and he trimmed plants to look like evergreen trees so when the cops flew over in their helicopters they would not notice the plant so easy! There where not a lot jobs up in Humboldt counties and growing pot was an easy way to make $$$!
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whatdidyousay! said:
Yes, high percentage of potheads are in Northwest coast region like Mendocino and Humbolt counties. Sonoma County has a pretty good number of potheads, too. Santa Rosa is pretty much a down to earth town that feels more of a country town than a city.

I knew a guy that had a pot farm! The plants where huge and he trimmed plants to look like evergreen trees so when the cops flew over in their helicopters they would not notice the plant so easy! There where not a lot jobs up in Humboldt counties and growing pot was an easy way to make $$$!

That's funny about making it look like a coniferous tree.
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Lol those houses cost arm a leg there in many places but cheaper in small towns. I'm in Iowa and still can't afford a house based on my credit and all.

You might be surprised what you can afford these days with all the short-sales and foreclosures going on. Maybe save at least 10% for a down payment?
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shel90 said:
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Lol those houses cost arm a leg there in many places but cheaper in small towns. I'm in Iowa and still can't afford a house based on my credit and all.

You might be surprised what you can afford these days with all the short-sales and foreclosures going on. Maybe save at least 10% for a down payment?

Not with the income vs debt ratio. Ill wait til my debt gets better and get a good job as well. That will help things for sure.
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Not with the income vs debt ratio. Ill wait til my debt gets better and get a good job as well. That will help things for sure.

I know that feeling...been there and still getting myself out of that debt. When I graduated from Gallaudet, my debt was a nightmare but I worked two full time jobs to get out of it but I had to stop the 2nd job due to my son being born. So, I am still working on getting out of that debt....been almost 10 years now but hopefully, at the rate I am 10 years, I should be debt free except for mortage and vehicles *crossing fingers*
I know that feeling...been there and still getting myself out of that debt. When I graduated from Gallaudet, my debt was a nightmare but I worked two full time jobs to get out of it but I had to stop the 2nd job due to my son being born. So, I am still working on getting out of that debt....been almost 10 years now but hopefully, at the rate I am 10 years, I should be debt free except for mortage and vehicles *crossing fingers*

Yeah, it does suck big time but oh well life goes on.
*knock on wood* I never been in debt.. cuz i never touch any credit cards.. :D but of course I have one card BUT it's debit card lol I don't go out and go on shopping spree noo mostly like it when I am in bad mood i wud buy a lipstick for no reason.. lol I have too many considering I have to throw out that is old lol.. anyway for those who are in debt just don't try to be tempted to go spend nonsense stuff just focus on paying off whatever is nesscary to do ;)
and sequoias one more thing I'm not ingorning you but I don't use that much but you know that i'm in facebook if you need my advice or anything about moving back to california.. just send me a message in facebook :) but as far you know I don't go surf thru friends' facebook pages only if I am sooo BORED lol anyway have a happy 4th of july ;)