Hi I am the mother of a beatiful 11 year old deaf son. And every day he brings joy and mystery to my life. i want so much to understand his way of thinking. He has always been a mystery to me and to others around him. I knew my son was deaf when he was 7 mobnths old but he was not comfirmed as profoundly deaf until he was 4 years old.He past 5 hearing tests with differant audioligists. It was not until they did a brain wave test while he was sleeping that they finally believed my claims. I placed my son in deaf and hard of hearing class rooms fully emursed in sign. He failed to thrive. he would not sign and when asked questions he would stair blankly at teachers. He refused to com municate with teachers. The school would look to me and blame me for not signing enough at home. I am a single mom and joshua is my world. he signed to me continuosly. but at school he would star blankly. it took josh 2 years to finally start communicating with teachers in his deaf class. at age 10 he had a 10 word vocabulary on his iep.
but at home he surfed the web beat complex video games memorize my drivers licence number.
He signed nonstop to the hearing people around him even if the did not understand. He did not care and he often got his point acrost with facial expressions along with signs. I often felt uncomfortable in his class around his teachers. when i looked at josh it seemed as though he felt the same.But he was always happy to go to school. but when he was in class he seemed lost searching to see what every one else was doing so he could follw along. the school district finally refused to take him back after the summer and now he is in a hearing class with hearing students who have languge disorders Autistic and others who have language dissorders. He has an interpritor aid to help him understand the teacher.He signs in this class and he looks like he feels more comfortable. He tries to communicate with his teacher who does not know much asl. josh is a mystery to me and at all his ieps when he is phyc tested he scores above all the students but accademically he scores far below. Teachers do not understand and they do not know were to place him. The have decided he has a learning disability.But i know how unbalievably smart he is at home. my be some one can help me solve this mystery