Most Outrageous names for babies

"Vanellope" is cute! I love Wreck it Ralph. She was the most adorable character ever.
Phoenix and Moses are actually fairly decent enough names. There's some good creative names out there but stuff like Moxie, Dweezil, Google (yes there's a kid somewhere on this planet with that name), Pilot's either gonna hurt the poor kid or make them stand out more to people.

Another celeb list--

The 20 Most Bizarre Celebrity Baby Names |

And it isn't just celebs who come up with oddest names as I discovered with that "tech names baby list" I posted somewhere else on this forum.

I can't think of any unusual names of people I know personally except maybe one of my cousins but hers is really not that unusual or strange at all.
Phoenix and Moses are actually fairly decent enough names. There's some good creative names out there but stuff like Moxie, Dweezil, Google (yes there's a kid somewhere on this planet with that name), Pilot's either gonna hurt the poor kid or make them stand out more to people.

Another celeb list--

The 20 Most Bizarre Celebrity Baby Names |

And it isn't just celebs who come up with oddest names as I discovered with that "tech names baby list" I posted somewhere else on this forum.

I can't think of any unusual names of people I know personally except maybe one of my cousins but hers is really not that unusual or strange at all.

I would not name my child Moses , that think kids would be making too many jokes about the name.
One of my relatives was named Rose and she married a man named Vine, which I thought was interesting. Many of my ancestors were named Comfort (the family really got stuck on that one), and several (early American era) ancestors had names typical of that era such as Patience, Love, Grace, and Temperance.

I know lots of people with biblical names but the most unusual one I knew was named Melchizedek. We called him Mel. He's in his late 20's.

When I would interpret in schools, it would drive me crazy trying to spell some of the students' names. I'm a very good speller but some of their names were, shall we say, kre8tive? :giggle:
One of my relatives was named Rose and she married a man named Vine, which I thought was interesting. Many of my ancestors were named Comfort (the family really got stuck on that one), and several (early American era) ancestors had names typical of that era such as Patience, Love, Grace, and Temperance.

I know lots of people with biblical names but the most unusual one I knew was named Melchizedek. We called him Mel. He's in his late 20's.

When I would interpret in schools, it would drive me crazy trying to spell some of the students' names. I'm a very good speller but some of their names were, shall we say, kre8tive? :giggle:

Was Vine his last name , that would be very funny having the name Rose Vine . It was common for women to be after a flower at one time.
There is weird people will just go far to name anything... I heard somewhere that someone named the baby Adolf after Hitler....

To name the baby after a dictator or criminals are just :crazy:

There is always strange people out there would name anything....
There is weird people will just go far to name anything... I heard somewhere that someone named the baby Adolf after Hitler....

To name the baby after a dictator or criminals are just :crazy:

There is always strange people out there would name anything....
yep- in fact there was a story last year or before that about some supermarket or bakery refusing to make a birthday cake with "Happy Birthday Adolph" because the kid was named after Hitler...

Wow the cake incident was back in 2009 it seems but he's still making the news. I feel bad for each of the kids with Nazi related names...
Article is from 2013.

Nazi-obsessed father who named son Adolf Hilter still fighting for custody in New Jersey - NY Daily News
The guy is seriously messed up in the head... with all the nazis symbol tattoos on his arm and clothing. I feel bad for the kid who might not have friends because of the name. :(

yep- in fact there was a story last year or before that about some supermarket or bakery refusing to make a birthday cake with "Happy Birthday Adolph" because the kid was named after Hitler...

Wow the cake incident was back in 2009 it seems but he's still making the news. I feel bad for each of the kids with Nazi related names...
Article is from 2013.

Nazi-obsessed father who named son Adolf Hilter still fighting for custody in New Jersey - NY Daily News
Just the first name Adolph (without the Hitler) was once a fairly common first name of those with family from Germany.
There is weird people will just go far to name anything... I heard somewhere that someone named the baby Adolf after Hitler....

To name the baby after a dictator or criminals are just :crazy:

There is always strange people out there would name anything....

My older sister knew the guy last name was Capone so his parented called
him Al Capone . Al got pulled over for speeding when he younger and when he told the cop his name the cop thought he was being a wiseass . I guess Al parents thought it would be funny naming their son after a mob boss. :roll: If anyone named their son after Hitler that would be a great concern to me and I am not talking about being crazy , I would be wondering about why they named their son after Hitler . I would be keeping an eye on the parents.
Just the first name Adolph (without the Hitler) was once a fairly common first name of those with family from Germany.
Very true- unfortunately after Hitler's time, the name became synonymous with evil. In the story above the kid's name IS actually Adolph Hitler Campbell.
Very true- unfortunately after Hitler's time, the name became synonymous with evil. In the story above the kid's name IS actually Adolph Hitler Campbell.

Now that would give me some concerns , using 'Adolph Hitler' for a son name. Just hearing his name make my blood boil .
I don't want to put my real name out in the forum. There is maybe one or two who know it, but needless to say being Romanian... my name is far from normal, though my middle is okay. My last name... :ugh: Erm... :ugh:

My fathers name is Iulian which is pronounced Yule-ian which would be the American equivalent to Julian. In Romanian it means descended from Jupiter ( Jove )

Mothers name is Aikaterine which is pronounced Ak-at-er-ine ... whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich isn't American for beans and in Romanian means pure.

Common names in the Romanian community... nooooooooooooooooooooooooot so much here.... :ugh:

So, the butchery that is my name is... well, death. :P Maybe not AS bad... but still... My siblings and I befell the Romanian death names that are incredibly unusual and holy crap like... Not really lipread-able in the slightest. :doh: I'd take some of those names over what I was given... :ugh: Not the Adolf one though... OoOoOoOoooh no.... :shock:
Yeah that's why I like the name it's one of my favorites but people tell me it's weird all the time

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