i was going to ask you about this too, but thought you made a typo here as well. <smile>
<laughs> I had a feeling if I didn't catch myself you would. <smile>
i was going to ask you about this too, but thought you made a typo here as well. <smile>
<laughs> I had a feeling if I didn't catch myself you would. <smile>
how did she hit you? did she slap you at all? wow. i can't believe the nerve of some teachers and how they are allowed to get away with that kind of behavior. <very mad>
i used to go out to lunch with my 8th grade english teacher, but eventually we lost touch and i no longer remember what happened to her. i'm afraid that given her age back when she was my teacher, she's probably in her 60s by now.
Which teacher, or which teachers, were the most influential to you? How have they affected your life today? Did they help you discover your interests? Was this teacher/were these teachers pretty typical of your school, or more of the oddball teacher? What did you love about their class?