I am not lazy. It didn't work out for me at Gallaudet and Csun...
When people at CSUN and Gallaudet hate you and don't
want you to get a college degree... then it isn't a good sign.
And if people out there in the world don't like you, then
it isn't a good sign. Just stay away...
My main problem is the "men". They are OBSTACLE,
standing in the way between what I really want.
To me they are like demons....
they are the reason why many women are on welfare...
even me on SSI.
I am sorry about blaming anyone... but it is true.
That is why many black children are living in ghetto or in poverty.
Because men said, "I love you, I wanna be with you."
And when it comes to responsiblity, they will back away.
Many men are irresponsible. How many men have to be force
to pay child support by court????
I am not a lesbian or anything....
If men just control their hormones... and/or have a vasetomy
And let women achieve their goals....
Then we wouldn't have unwanted children and high taxes.
So anywayyyyyyyyyyyyy,
And if my mom doesn't care if I stay home with her
and will give me this house after she die...
Then this is meant to be.
I ain't gonna waste my young life, trying to fit in anywhere...
I got Treacher Collins Syndrome and many people are too ignorant.
And I think it is mean for people to push me out there in the harsh
society... and won't let me live off SSI.
Nobody have been in my shoes.