You have no right to dictate what anyone else does. You only have the right to dictate your own actions. Get the point?
So Palestine hates the U.S., too. We don't have the best reputation in that part of the country. And why would we? We have attempted to annhilate their culture and force ours down their throat. How much respect is shown to them by Americans? A case of you get back what you put out.And this video does not show "thousands". Just another case of exaggeration, just like the exaggerated fear over 9/11 that our old friend George and company promoted.
if u say only he have the right to dictate his own action, why you talk like you have the right to tell people ur view about whereabout of the mosque and where it should be etc, all that uve mentioned above.
got the point???
So does the muslims (after conquering a country) with jizya (religion tax) being imposed on those who aren't muslims. All one have to is to increase jizya, those who are too poor to pay would have to convert to islam. To me, they don't tolerate non-muslims.
Modern Muslims defend the jizya « Money Jihad
But that is in their country. They don't come over here and try to tell us that we need to do the same with non-Christians.
No, that is not what I had in mind.... Some were calling for Sharia in America, Europe, etc. I don't want to be under their rule as I don't like some of their laws, especially the laws on women. I am sure some of the muslim men have money on their mind as I can see how America and Europe can be a cash cow, paying jizya to them.
I don't think there is a chance in H___ of America becoming a Muslim country and taking on Sharia law as the justice system.
The Muslim Nation has always been using the phrase "Western Influences". Meaning that they blame us for corrupting their youths mainly because our country's lifestyle and culture exists
What's all this blathering about "tolerance" and "religious freedom" if there are no Christian churches in Muslim countries?![]()
But again, Sharia law is not being applied to non-Muslims. Practicing Muslims accept that it is part of their faith.
Sorry, I just don't see it as a threat.
Give them an inch and they will take all. I just won't be surprised if things change so much in the future. I do hope it won't happened ever.
Give them an inch and they will take all. I just won't be surprised if things change so much in the future. I do hope it won't happened ever.
Oh, come on, Buff. It isn't like you to stereotype.
They deal with wrong doings with violence. Why don't they boycott USA made products? Why don't they make news by protesting peacefully? Why don't they make a petition? That is why I see them as violent people. I am far more impressed with Mahatma Gandhi and MLK.
I recently read a book "World without Islam" by Graham E. Fuller. I found it very interesting. According to the author, if Islam didn't exist we would still have problems with Middle East and those people would be Eastern Orthodox.
I think USA should pull the troops out of Saudia Arabia after the Gulf Wars like the muslims want in the first place. I don't know why the troops are still there. Ditto for Germany.
Who is "they", Buffalo? All Muslims, or just the fantatics?