Moses and the Bush


New Member
Jan 24, 2008
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Recently while going through an airport, President Bush encountered a man with long hair, wearing a robe and sandals, holding a staff. President Bush went up to the man and said aren't you Moses?

The man never answered, but just kept staring ahead. Again the President said Moses! in a loud voice. The man just kept staring ahead, never answering the president.

Soon a secret service agent came along and

President Bush grabbed him and said doesn't this man look like Moses to you?

The secret service agent agreed with the President. Well, said the President every time I say his name, he just keeps staring ahead and refuses to speak. Watch! Again, the President yelled, Moses! Again the man stared ahead.

The secret service man went up to the man in the robe and whispered, You look just like Moses. Are you Moses? The man leaned over and whispered, Yes, I am Moses, but the last time I talked to a bush I spent 40 years wandering in the desert!
Recently while going through an airport, President Bush encountered a man with long hair, wearing a robe and sandals, holding a staff. President Bush went up to the man and said aren't you Moses?

The man never answered, but just kept staring ahead. Again the President said Moses! in a loud voice. The man just kept staring ahead, never answering the president.

Soon a secret service agent came along and

President Bush grabbed him and said doesn't this man look like Moses to you?

The secret service agent agreed with the President. Well, said the President every time I say his name, he just keeps staring ahead and refuses to speak. Watch! Again, the President yelled, Moses! Again the man stared ahead.

The secret service man went up to the man in the robe and whispered, You look just like Moses. Are you Moses? The man leaned over and whispered, Yes, I am Moses, but the last time I talked to a bush I spent 40 years wandering in the desert!

:giggle::giggle: That is FUNNY!!!!!!!! :giggle: :giggle: