No, Kids still have an issue... She may not have experience growing up with implants... but she is still HoH, which is how kids with implants are, they are functionally HoH. And DD is right, the world is NOT a soundbooth... It is great that she is signing with her son, I completely agree! Though, many of us who are Deaf agree, spoken language SHOULD NOT be the focus of any child's life, but LANGUAGE itself. and that is what this mother is giving her son, language! unlike some people who feel that ASL is a "second class language" and people can't succeed without spoken language, we know differently. Also, for many children with implants, (which I have seen quite a few of them) spoken language still takes a lot of effort, where sign doesn't...
Just because DD doesn't have any experience being a child with an implant, she is still d/hh. There are too many people who are claiming (directly or indirectly) that CI's are a cure for deafness... they aren't... its the same thing that people thought about BTE HAs, and then digital... it isn't a CURE we don't need one... and it doesn't reverse the deafness.
Kiansmom, Please keep signing with your son, keep ASL his primary language, and if you are doing Speech therapy keep it fun... and not the primary goal.