Mom in circumcision battle still jailed; hearing set for Monday


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Apr 22, 2007
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A mother at the center of a circumcision battle with the boy's father is asking a federal judge to take steps to prevent the surgery from occurring while she is jail facing contempt of court charges..

Heather Hironimus' attorney filed an emergency motion for a restraining order on behalf of her son against the child's father on Friday. Hironimus had previously been eluding her arrest by staying at a domestic violence shelter for women with her son, 4 1/2. She was arrested on Thursday and booked into the Broward County Jail.

In the motion filed Friday, Hunker argued if Nebus circumcised the boy before the federal lawsuit ran its course, it would make the lawsuit meaningless.

Courts around the country have in the past denied one parent insisting on circumcising a son because it is irreversible and can be done at the choice of the son as an adult. I have never heard of a court insisting a boy be cut when one parent objects, whether the boy wanted one or not. This...

The fight between Hironimus and Nebus began in 2013 after Nebus wanted a circumcision performed on their son.

When the couple split in 2012, they signed a "parenting plan" that would allow for the circumcision, but court records show Hironimus changed her mind and didn't want the procedure done.

In May 2014, Palm Beach County Circuit Court Jeffrey Gillen ruled Nebus should be allowed to circumcise his son and in March ordered Hironimus to hand him over.

An emergency hearing to address the motion is scheduled on Monday in federal court.

In the court filing, Hironimus' lawyer Thomas Hunker said she presumes her son is with his father, Dennis Nebus. Hironimus filed a lawsuit in April against Nebus, stating that the circumcision of their son would be violation of their son's constitutional rights.

Gillen signed a warrant for her arrest in March after she failed to appear for court. She was booked into the Broward County Jail and remained there without bond on Friday. She is expected to be extradited back to Palm Beach County, but it is unclear when.
Once she make brief agree, it's too late. Dennis found a way to get in, because he want his son become porn star. Allllllll right!
has she been arrested for refusing child circumcision but because she in jail they unable to do operation seems bizzare...unless good medical reasons he should not be snipped and as he over 8days old it not required religiously
Wondering if there is a medical reason for wanting or needing the circumcision? Or what caused the mother to change her mind....
ONe doctor said it was needed, the other said it wasn't. The problem is that in the US, a lot of doctors aren't taught how to deal with an intact foreskin. Many even say to pull it back to clean, which is something you should never do on a child. Most boys can't pull back their foreskin until after puberty. If it doesn't happen after that and it becomes an issue, there are a few non-surgical things that one should do before resorting to surgery.

It's hard to know if the boy is actually having a problem that needs his foreskin removed or if its something that can be dealt with non surgically or if it's something he'll outgrow or if there's no problem and it's just normal little kid with foreskin issues.
ONe doctor said it was needed, the other said it wasn't. The problem is that in the US, a lot of doctors aren't taught how to deal with an intact foreskin. Many even say to pull it back to clean, which is something you should never do on a child. Most boys can't pull back their foreskin until after puberty. If it doesn't happen after that and it becomes an issue, there are a few non-surgical things that one should do before resorting to surgery.

It's hard to know if the boy is actually having a problem that needs his foreskin removed or if its something that can be dealt with non surgically or if it's something he'll outgrow or if there's no problem and it's just normal little kid with foreskin issues.

are you saying nearly every yank man had it done that mind boggling it un-nessccary..Even jews are refusing it..barbaric thing to do to a child. you right leave childs foreskin alone it be pulled back quite enough after 13
i dont find it barbaric, just a.very old tradition...
Im circuncised...though id love to blame all my plms on that fact...truth is I dont remember s son was too...and he doesnt remember a thing....
Sure.... i grant some people who as babies get it done and get post traumatic stress disorder or what ever from it...
Its the parents choice either way...
This just looks like an excuse this girl used to try keep her kid away from the womens shelters avoiding arrest...
The shelter should be shut down for aiding and abetting....
Fat chance....
As always the child suffers due to the parents selfishness....
When I adopted my last boy at 6, he was not "cut"...He had problems...burning, itching...generally hurting him. Took him to the doctor and he recommended circumcision. My boy was a trooper!...He never complained....and so glad it was done. He's never had a problem since.

I've seen grown men who have not been looks terrible! And so much trouble keeping it clean and all.
After week in jail, Florida mom agrees to son's circumcision

DELRAY BEACH, Fla. — A Florida woman's yearslong battle against her child's father over the boy's circumcision ended Friday with her agreeing to the procedure in exchange for her release from jail.

In a remarkable turnaround after a week behind bars for contempt and an initial hearing in which she was ordered to remain jailed, court reconvened and a sobbing Heather Hironimus signed paperwork giving approval for the surgery, recoiling in tears and clasping her shackled hands after it was done. The shift, though under duress, threatened the hero status given to Hironimus by a bubbling movement of anti-circumcision advocates who have followed the case's every turn.

She remained jailed Friday afternoon, but her release was likely later in the day.

Attorneys for both Hironimus and the boy's father, Dennis Nebus, declined to comment, citing an ongoing gag order in the case.

Georganne Chapin, executive director of Intact America, which advocates against circumcision, said Hironimus had been "bullied" into signing, calling it the "saddest commentary on the court."

"I don't know what's in his head," she said of Judge Jeffrey Gillen, who presided over the case. "I don't know how he can sleep at night."

Hironimus and Nebus had initially agreed to the circumcision in a parenting agreement filed in court, but the mother later changed her mind. Circuit and appellate judges sided with the father, but potential surgeons backed out after failing to get the mother's consent and becoming the target of protesters.

Hironimus went missing with the boy in February, ignoring warnings from Gillen to be in court and allow the circumcision to proceed. She remained missing until her arrest last week, staying in a domestic violence shelter. With her legal options dwindling, she filed a federal civil rights lawsuit on behalf of her son, looking for a solution outside state court.

But her attorney abruptly withdrew that case Wednesday, two days after its first hearing, when a judge expressed open skepticism of its merits.

Upon arriving in court Friday, chained at the wrists and ankles and wearing a navy blue jail jumpsuit, Hironimus quietly invoked her Fifth Amendment rights when asked whether she had signed the consent agreement. Gillen said Hironimus would be jailed indefinitely unless she did.

Her mother, Mary Hironimus, fought back tears but said her daughter was right to fight for her son.

"Of course it's worth it," she said, "any mother would do anything for her child."

Hironimus still faces a criminal charge of interfering with child custody. Gillen approved a motion by Nebus' attorney, May Cain, to temporarily give the father sole decision-making over matters including his son's health and to travel out of state, if needed, to have the circumcision performed. Cain said her client had been receiving death threats and warnings his son would be kidnapped.

"I am fearful that the child might be abducted," Gillen said.

After Hironimus agreed to sign the form and court reconvened, Gillen offered advice to the parents: "You are both going to continue to be the parents to this young man. You're going to have to learn how to deal with that in an amicable, friendly, civil manner. You're going to have to always take into consideration what's in your child's best interest. To the extent that you may differ on things, you're going to have to talk them out. That's what parents do in a civilized society. You do not take the law into your own hands."
DELRAY BEACH, Fla. — A Florida woman's yearslong battle against her child's father over the boy's circumcision ended Friday with her agreeing to the procedure in exchange for her release from jail.

In a remarkable turnaround after a week behind bars for contempt and an initial hearing in which she was ordered to remain jailed, court reconvened and a sobbing Heather Hironimus signed paperwork giving approval for the surgery, recoiling in tears and clasping her shackled hands after it was done. The shift, though under duress, threatened the hero status given to Hironimus by a bubbling movement of anti-circumcision advocates who have followed the case's every turn.

She remained jailed Friday afternoon, but her release was likely later in the day.

Attorneys for both Hironimus and the boy's father, Dennis Nebus, declined to comment, citing an ongoing gag order in the case.

Georganne Chapin, executive director of Intact America, which advocates against circumcision, said Hironimus had been "bullied" into signing, calling it the "saddest commentary on the court."

"I don't know what's in his head," she said of Judge Jeffrey Gillen, who presided over the case. "I don't know how he can sleep at night."

Hironimus and Nebus had initially agreed to the circumcision in a parenting agreement filed in court, but the mother later changed her mind. Circuit and appellate judges sided with the father, but potential surgeons backed out after failing to get the mother's consent and becoming the target of protesters.

Hironimus went missing with the boy in February, ignoring warnings from Gillen to be in court and allow the circumcision to proceed. She remained missing until her arrest last week, staying in a domestic violence shelter. With her legal options dwindling, she filed a federal civil rights lawsuit on behalf of her son, looking for a solution outside state court.

But her attorney abruptly withdrew that case Wednesday, two days after its first hearing, when a judge expressed open skepticism of its merits.

Upon arriving in court Friday, chained at the wrists and ankles and wearing a navy blue jail jumpsuit, Hironimus quietly invoked her Fifth Amendment rights when asked whether she had signed the consent agreement. Gillen said Hironimus would be jailed indefinitely unless she did.

Her mother, Mary Hironimus, fought back tears but said her daughter was right to fight for her son.

"Of course it's worth it," she said, "any mother would do anything for her child."

Hironimus still faces a criminal charge of interfering with child custody. Gillen approved a motion by Nebus' attorney, May Cain, to temporarily give the father sole decision-making over matters including his son's health and to travel out of state, if needed, to have the circumcision performed. Cain said her client had been receiving death threats and warnings his son would be kidnapped.

"I am fearful that the child might be abducted," Gillen said.

After Hironimus agreed to sign the form and court reconvened, Gillen offered advice to the parents: "You are both going to continue to be the parents to this young man. You're going to have to learn how to deal with that in an amicable, friendly, civil manner. You're going to have to always take into consideration what's in your child's best interest. To the extent that you may differ on things, you're going to have to talk them out. That's what parents do in a civilized society. You do not take the law into your own hands."
Wow, she folded only wfter a week....
(Shakes head)
Ah well, guess she reakized the schnuck wasnt worth it...