Mmm..more hearing people joining this AD


Premium Member
Jan 25, 2010
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I happen to noticed that more and more hearies joining this forum because they just found out that they will lose hearing? Is that an implication of many hearies wearing ear buds to listen loud music? Of course there are other reasons but it made me wonder that down the road, more will join this forum?

Interesting dream....
How is this a dream? *scratches head*

I see it as a good thing because the hearies can learn from us Deaf people. I think this forum is a great example for giving them the benefit of the doubt. Nothing wrong with it, honestly.
Oh, of course nothing wrong with it... it just my statistical thought.... I read it somewhere while back about popularity of using mini portable device wearing ear buds will increase the chance of losing hearing. Then I was wondering about how many hearing people seeking out for help to cope with hearing lost.
Same thing when Walkman was big. Imagine being able to listen to music cranked loud as you walked! The hearing loss they deliver is nothing close to deafness. I was one of those Walkman lovers; with Devo, Billy Idol, Metallica, etc cranked to ear-splitting volumes. It made me hear less, but was nothing compared to autoimmune disease and Meniere's for taking away my hearing.
If they learn ASL and be a part of the Deaf community, AWESOME!

If they get CIs and have no interest in being a part of the Deaf community, no difference.
Wow! So am I now awesome? Or just attempting to become awesome?

Nope...not that THEY are awesome but the FACT that if they learn ASL and join our community. We do have assholes in hte Deaf community so I wouldnt call them awesome people. :lol:
We've always been awesome. Some people are slow realizing that.
I do not have an issue with a hearing person joining AD as long as they are open minded, respectful and do not try to tell me how I should feel about my Deafness. I'm sorry but I do have a disdain for the hearing, certain types of course. I like the AD forum. Its where I come to chat with other Deafs and to get away from the hearing world. If I wanted to immerse myself with a hearing person after dealing with them all day at work, including dealing with my hearing husband I would not come here. I do not hate the hearing but do despise the ones that come here and spam the board. Those have been banned thankfully!
To the hearies that ARE here you are welcome and are still here for a reason. :) Good ones of course! Don't hate me! :)
Hearing people here?

Deaf villagers, arise now..

Pitchforks and torches!
LOL @ Bottesini. Livin' in the fantasies/fairy tales much? Shrek? Beauty and the Beast?

If those hearies are interested in learning our culture, our language, I'm all for it! There's nothing better to learn about this culture from our own Deaf people.

If they're here only to be hypocrites and feeling so superior, they can get a hike! Plain and simple. :D
Hearing people here?

Deaf villagers, arise now..

Pitchforks and torches!

I do not have an issue with a hearing person joining AD as long as they are open minded, respectful and do not try to tell me how I should feel about my Deafness. I'm sorry but I do have a disdain for the hearing, certain types of course. I like the AD forum. Its where I come to chat with other Deafs and to get away from the hearing world. If I wanted to immerse myself with a hearing person after dealing with them all day at work, including dealing with my hearing husband I would not come here. I do not hate the hearing but do despise the ones that come here and spam the board. Those have been banned thankfully!
To the hearies that ARE here you are welcome and are still here for a reason. :) Good ones of course! Don't hate me! :)
I recall you did not like my anti-audism stance. I have already dismissed you. Your opinion means nothing to me. I will continue to voice my anti-audist views. I could jam a pencil in my left ear and reach that magical 100% deafness threshold. Would my opinion suddenly carry more weight, or is there other criteria? Feel free to enlighten me.
I recall you did not like my anti-audism stance. I have already dismissed you. Your opinion means nothing to me. I will continue to voice my anti-audist views. I could jam a pencil in my left ear and reach that magical 100% deafness threshold. Would my opinion suddenly carry more weight, or is there other criteria? Feel free to enlighten me.

Darlin, I'm not clear on history but that post was pretty clear from someone who do not like audists. :hmm:
Darlin, I'm not clear on history but that post was pretty clear from someone who do not like audists. :hmm:

You missed the rest of the story. There is history behind my comments. I was told to "butt out" because I am not deaf enough. I forgot there was a certain dB qualifier. I can take my ball and bat and go away.
QUOTE=saywhatkid;1977117]You missed the rest of the story. There is history behind my comments. I was told to "butt out" because I am not deaf enough. I forgot there was a certain dB qualifier. I can take my ball and bat and go away.[/QUOTE]

For starters I was not aware you were Deaf because in your post I last responded to you never mentioned your hearing loss and did say that you were not Deaf "yet" so I took your word for it that you were hearing and took offense to what you were telling a hearie newbie who had a question or two on Deafness and speaking. Your response was that most of us here do not speak and so on. Judging from your post alone I took to it to prove that there are Deafs who speak. I find it highly offensive for any hearie to act like they know more about being Deaf than I do.

I did not read your response after I left mine and went back to refresh my memory and do apologize for the misunderstanding. I doubt this will soften your heart and if it doesn't then I would appreciate it if you would not from now on try to flame me in any further posts. I encourage anyone on here that finds anything I say offensive to message me especially if it's a case of mistaken identity Deaf/deaf/hearing.

In my opinion there is no dB loss that I judge by and I never said you were not Deaf enough, I simply mistook you as a pompous hearie and addressed you as a hearie. If I had known you had a hearing loss, I do not know if you consider yourself Deaf or HOH or deaf I never would have made such a post.


p.s if you would like to continue to be hateful towards me after I've waved my white flag and admitted an error that anyone on here could make and has before I will not respond to it. As far as I'm concerned I explained my stance and said I was sorry and it should be the end of the "feud" which to me was non-existant because I wasn't aware you were actually deaf/Deaf/HOH.
Originally Posted by saywhatkid[/B]
Most of these people are deaf, or close to it. Many have never heard speech. Most would not be able to understand spoken words. A large number of them use ASL exclusively as their language. A lot of them are not in favor of learning speech, since they are quite literate as ASL users.

Not surprised that "drphil" would weigh in with experience in this topic. He is commonly referred to as having audist views. I make no distinctions due to the fact I am not deaf yet. It would be wrong for me, due to that. However, I have always wanted to ask him something: Drphil, do you receive any compensation or dividend for the use of Sunnybrook/Toronto or Implanted A B Harmony in your posts?

My response:
WHAT?! Whoa there buddy. I'm ORAL DEAF. As Deaf as can be and I can speak. Not my choice I wasn't given one as a child it was forced upon me.
We are out there. There are varying degrees of " Deafness "...are you a hearie?

If so what the hell do you know about Deafness besides what you read?
how dare you try to act as if you're the expert on the Deaf population on AD and in general?

I'm in a foul mood due to a hip injury so you can just shove it. I have an excuse. :cool2: And I'm actually Deaf. You are? What? Hearing?