That graph is from 2009. And their stats were only up to end of 2008. Obama was sworn into office when?
These are more recent stats:
Total Food Stamp Program Benefits - Kaiser State Health Facts
Secondly, there's a reason they went by percentages, not actual numbers of individuals per state. It sounds like a lot more when you compare numbers between red and blue but it doesn't show the expenditure per individual by state.
For example, Alabama, the number one top Red state received $1,492, 961,298. Current population of Alabama is 4,708,708.
That would be $226 per individual.
Top blue state which is Massachusetts, received $1,291,609,490.
Population is 6,587,536. That would be 196 per individual.
Massachusetts' population is 1.3% bigger than Alabama yet they are receiving 86% less in food stamps benefits.
California is a blue state, they do receive more benefits than Alabama.
California received 6,484,037,875$ in benefits, which is nearly 4.5 times the amount Alabama received. California's population is 8 times that of Alabama.
Total benefits per individual in California is $175. That's 77% less than Alabama per individual.
That's why percentages bear a more accurate picture than counting numbers of individuals.