Either way in Old Testament times, two homosexuals meeting in the middle of the night by moonlight at 3:00 a.m. in Jerusalem would have been beheaded by the sword of David or Solomon.
Today, you can't get away with homosexuality without getting the AIDS virus.
God's justice will always be done regardless of what era you are in. Biblical times or modern day.
I think she is right when she says ....
"I feel like God himself created mankind and he loves everyone, and he has the best for everyone. If he says that having sex with someone of your same gender is going to bring death upon you, that's a pretty stern warning, and he knows more than we do about life."
She may party with Paris Hilton but that does not mean she approves of homosexuality. I don't think she is a lesbian either. She would find two men doing whatever it is that they do VERY DISGUSTING AND VILE. :roll:
I can understand if a woman was raped then went through the " lesbian phase " and eventually she found a good man that treats her good & she gets married in a NATURAL MAN-WOMAN RELATIONSHIP but to remain a hard-core lesbian is rebellious against God's creation, physical and spiritual laws.
Everyone can play games in the world around the issue of homosexuality but everyone inwardly knows homosexuality is wrong. Homosexuality is not natural at all.
Biblical researchers & biblical archeologists at the digging sites have confirmed that the plagues of Egypt really happened and that the Red Sea really parted.
If God can send a plague upon mankind, there is no reason why he can send AIDS plague throughout the world.
I am 100 percent sure that the first nation that turns its back on satanically inspired homosexuality will be blessed by God and laws passed or strengthened against homosexuality will start to see blessings from God imparted on the nation like lower AIDS rates, less earthquakes, hurricanes & tornadoes etc.
Everyone knows that the 666 chip is coming pretty soon so that is other confirmation that Biblical Prophecy is at work and is no laughing matter.
Don't forget that if you are seeking to be healed of deafness that you can not continue in the sin of homosexuality and except to ask Jesus Christ to heal you of deafness.
Those " gay churches " will never see someone being supernaturally healed by Jesus Christ.
Only churches that obey God's natural, physical and spiritual laws will see many people healed.