H HOH Guy Member Joined Feb 20, 2019 Messages 61 Reaction score 18 May 16, 2019 #1 Hearing aids that read your brain will know who you want to hear If you have difficulty hearing, it can be tricky to make out a single speaker in a noisy room. A system that amplifies the voice you want to listen to could help. www.technologyreview.com
Hearing aids that read your brain will know who you want to hear If you have difficulty hearing, it can be tricky to make out a single speaker in a noisy room. A system that amplifies the voice you want to listen to could help. www.technologyreview.com
R ricas27 Active Member Joined Oct 19, 2015 Messages 271 Reaction score 28 May 21, 2019 #2 eh? I wish. I wish reading poker players what they have in their hands. .. . i gotta win it