Might be looking into getting CI

Thank you all for your input it means a lot to me, truly. I'm still exploring the options and it sounds very 50/50 that it could be great or it could fail. would love to hear more stories.

Posted from Alldeaf.com App for Android
It is up to you! I believe it is a personal decision. When we went for the CI for me, I was 10 years old and I wanted one because all my friends had one. Crazy but the truth. It was the best thing for me at the time, because back then and still now my family don't sign. I only wear my CI for work currently. I am happier and more comfortable without the CI.
I still have yet to talk to a CI Specialist about it, but I think I'm leaning more towards a no mostly because of the risks. I worry that it might work out for me for awhile, but what if it doesn't a few months after? Or if it creates more problems?

I'm not against it, just a lot to think about for sure. It helps hearing your stories though, gives me an idea of what could happen.
I just joined this forum. I have the opposite - Profound on my Left and Severe on my right. Its been a slow, dark, frustrating descent into silence !! I cant hear my loved ones too well and they get frustrated talking to me. Im almost incommunicado at work. Can barely function in meetings. And worst of all i cant hear my music anymore. No more 'sick bass lines' !

Would love to hear more about CI. My HA's have been prettu useless these days.
Thank you all for your input it means a lot to me, truly. I'm still exploring the options and it sounds very 50/50 that it could be great or it could fail. would love to hear more stories.

Posted from Alldeaf.com App for Android

If it helps, progressive loss and folks who previously got some benifit from HAs (but the CI has more power so they can hear more) adults tend to do very well with CI.....
I just joined this forum. I have the opposite - Profound on my Left and Severe on my right. Its been a slow, dark, frustrating descent into silence !! I cant hear my loved ones too well and they get frustrated talking to me. Im almost incommunicado at work. Can barely function in meetings. And worst of all i cant hear my music anymore. No more 'sick bass lines' !

Would love to hear more about CI. My HA's have been prettu useless these days.
Do you have a progressive loss? If it's clear and obvious you've maxed out on aids....GO FOR IT!
deafdyke ... i had my first stapedectomy 25 years ago on my left year ... and then one on my right. Both those operations helped for a few years. Then i got a revision on my left ear again which failed and finally one more revision last year which pretty much rendere my left ear dead of hearing. My right is about 50% on a good day. Im 51 and hopefully i can get a CI. However the costs seem prohibitive. Not sure if California insurance covers any of this. Out of pocket may be a little too steep. I need to look at all alternatives.
Do you have otosclerosis? I briefly looked into a stapedectomy, but since my stapes are fixed congenitally, the risks of the surgery greatly outweigh the benefits.
deafdyke ... i had my first stapedectomy 25 years ago on my left year ... and then one on my right. Both those operations helped for a few years. Then i got a revision on my left ear again which failed and finally one more revision last year which pretty much rendere my left ear dead of hearing. My right is about 50% on a good day. Im 51 and hopefully i can get a CI. However the costs seem prohibitive. Not sure if California insurance covers any of this. Out of pocket may be a little too steep. I need to look at all alternatives.

It depends on your insurer, but in general it is covered. At worst you may have to appeal any negative decision. There are procedures in place to help you.

Your best bet is to read over cochlear implant HELP
ladysolitary85... Are you near Sacramento area? Just curious which CI surgeon you will be seeing. I am totally deaf, zero hearing remaining. I did get one CI almost 2 years ago. It's not perfect, still can't use the phone, can't watch tv without cc, BUT I can talk to my husband, mom, children and friends. In groups for me it is difficult to fit in, one on one is great. I think if your HA are not helping you much now a CI would be a great idea. I know others have great success with their CI's, I love mine and am very happy I got it. My case is a little different since I had traumatic hearing loss. I have only had two CI mappings. I have other health issues which make my case more difficult. Of course learning ASL is great, I'm working on that too. If you want to ask me anything, just send me a pm.
Hi this is for my 18 month old child... He has severe to profound loss. Is currently wearing hearing aids but how do we know if he's going to benefit from them or would ci be the way to go please help

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Hi this is for my 18 month old child... He has severe to profound loss. Is currently wearing hearing aids but how do we know if he's going to benefit from them or would ci be the way to go please help

Sent from my iPhone using AllDeaf

You need to confer with your child's Audiologist and Physician. They would be the one's to advise you on whether a CI would be viable for your child.
Thanks i will .. Also how well can a hearing aid amplify sound too

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I'm not against CI, but I haven't done it. I waiting till the end of hearing aid use or perhaps a cure. I would try some different hearing aids first such as Phonak UP. Profound aids can do a LOT more these days.

If you do go the CI route, all the best..
I'm not against CI, but I haven't done it. I waiting till the end of hearing aid use or perhaps a cure. I would try some different hearing aids first such as Phonak UP. Profound aids can do a LOT more these days.

If you do go the CI route, all the best..

yeah besides, I was thinking about trying out the Naidas this year since fluctuations can happen LOL
if you see my signature, you know it!
I got my CIs in 2004 and 2010. I enjoy them most of the time. Do you sign? If not you should really learn. Signing made my life easier.
Not everyone wants to constantly exert the effort to speech read, read captions that are way behind the audio or incorrect, wear glasses at the movies, or use interpreters. Yes, there are ways to cope, but coping is not the same as hearing with a CI.
Exactly! :)
Deaf who don't have CIs people can understand people, watch tv, go to movies, go to restaurants and understand what people are saying. Just saying....

If one wants to get a CI, great for that person but there are ways without needing a CI to do all those stuff, fyi.
Ya know, some people can't hear like they used to. I'm wearing hearing aids and currently am having a hard time "hearing" (ahem; understanding people).
I can hear the person somewhat, but it's not like before.

- I can hear people; just not understand what they're saying half the time. Sometimes people have to repeat what they said, or speak louder.
- I have to use captions to watch movies. Yep. Wanna know why? I can't understand them. This falls under TV, too.
- I don't go to movies for the above reason. Even though I want to.
- Restaurants is more a busy place, so you hear all of this chatter in the background and you can't focus.

So, explain to me, what alternatives are there to CI? Hm?
Exactly! :)

Ya know, some people can't hear like they used to. I'm wearing hearing aids and currently am having a hard time "hearing" (ahem; understanding people).
I can hear the person somewhat, but it's not like before.

- I can hear people; just not understand what they're saying half the time. Sometimes people have to repeat what they said, or speak louder.
- I have to use captions to watch movies. Yep. Wanna know why? I can't understand them. This falls under TV, too.
- I don't go to movies for the above reason. Even though I want to.
- Restaurants is more a busy place, so you hear all of this chatter in the background and you can't focus.

So, explain to me, what alternatives are there to CI? Hm?

I could have posted all of that 6 months ago, pre CI!! It's just not the same. Life is so much better with a CI. I go to movies, go out to eat and UNDERSTAND everything!! It's just wonderful.
I has CI for 5 years. That is helpful me to understand the sound environment, animals voices, someone call my name for attention. I can hear my son'a voice said mommy, crying sound, seeming, cute speaking, play music with an instruments. I believe it's personal decide to get a CI. You don't need to listen to non CI advice. You need to listen to CI users because it's expert and experience. My few Deaf friends pushed me to not get CI. I ignored their advice. The hearing aids doesn't help me to hear better. It's my ears and body to make decide. If you consider to get CI. That is your ears and body choice.
You both have excellent points. Ok here's my thoughts. I will always be deaf either way and I don't mind the subtitles though I get tired lip reading sometimes. I need, I really need to become more fluent in ASL. I know my social anxiety is becoming worse. I only text on the phone because hearing on the phone is too hard to understand. I know the CI wont bring back normal sounds, I just want to know if it gives you more clarity than a HA could offer because right now my HA is just barely getting me by and its only 4 months old!

But there's so many factors to consider . I need to know the pros and cons. I also need to know if this will effect my SSI.

It not effect to your SS. I'm on SSDI and SSI. I have a Medicare covered for CI surgery and CI stuff in 80% and I paid for 20% on payment until paid off. That is not bad. If you have a Medicaid and Medicare, they will cover for CI surgery and CI stuff.

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