Crazymanw00t said:God love everyone and he hate people that practices the sinful life. Homosexual will cause world to be messy place to live. We gotta to stop that homosexual people's life influence the world. I do respect the homosexual people but I don't respect the homosexual people that influences their sinful life to others. So that is a good start to do like that.
My favorite quote, "You can love the person with same sex as you do, but you don't have to have sex with them. Having sex with same sex person (homosexual) are the mental illness people."
I know you hate me to take over this thread and debate with you all. You don't want me to drive this thread to other kind of thread topic. That is why I said no more debate futher. If you want to debate and then create a new thread under debate group thread.
I'm sorry to bust your bubble there dude, but God do not hate....
Second, when you post about God, as " He " always use the H as in cap!...
Third where in the bible that say Homosexual not allowed to have medical attention? me that proof?...
Fourth show me in the bible that God said Homosexual is a mental illness people?
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