Michelena Boehmer Late Life Deaf

Welcome to AllDeaf!!! :wave:

Hope things get better for you. I too am late-deafened, but luckily I am not trying to go back to school. Too worn out on my part to succeed at it. I am taking an ASL class from my local Deaf Service Center. I am the only deaf person there and there are no hoh people. Everyone is very respectful and the instructor is using me as an example on how to communicate with a deaf person. I like being there to help them (the are all teachers in the public school system, Catholic schools and Head Start). It also helps me learn on what to expect when I meet new people.

You might try to find a local deaf club who might also help you with your ASL studies. I know mine does.
:pissed: This pisses me off. They are definitely in total violation of the ADA laws.

Welcome to AllDeaf. I do hope things work out for you. I am very sorry that you are having to go through this. It's a total outrage. If that was happening to me, I'd be seeing red. Ugh. Hehehe. I have a few dreams where I totally blow up and scream at those who are ignorant. Good thing that we can dream to vent it all out. :D
I am a woman or I'm in the wrong body. : )
Sorry for the misspelled words. Yeah it could paranoia if I was the only one noticing these things. There have been surprise visitors, who do not know any history on myself or the class in order to get a true perspctive. Unfortunately these people noticed the sam things I noticed.

The ASL classe are all called Interpreter classes. Although other deaf individuals have taken these classes, this Insructor just started this Winter.

I am visiting my doctor already and have found mental health help as well. My issues stem from Higher learning facillities that allow individuals to be rude to whomever they desire at any time. I always have people trying to shove me out of their way because Bubba & I don't speed walk like most of them. People have gone so far as to shove Bubba causing him to become off balanced. As for security their they don't care. I have spoken to them several times and have been told to take other routes, whic I explained it happens there as well. Their response was always "He's a Pit so it doesn't matter."
That is my problem. People not acting stupid, being rude, hurting my service animal, and I'm not the only one that has the same problem.
I'm thinking of switching to online so I won't have to deal with that on a daily basis. But I also feel that by doing that I let others rule my life.
So I just don't know what to do. If anyone has sugestions please let me know. I am looking for a deaf club to join. Its so hard when I have so much homework. Like now I'm still woking on a presentation for chemical dependency. All presenations are supposed to be done in a group of at least three. Bubba & I are the group.
I did buy 30 chalkboards for my presentation so people can ask questions and printed 30 copies of the manuel alphabet.
You know my husband thought I was over reacting until he put earplugs in (he is hoh) and tried to talk to people as well, including in his class on Anthropology. He was shocked, felt insulted, as well as being treated like an invisible person. He is hard to miss. 6ft 1 inch long hair, tatts and friendly outgoing personality. Especially for and old biker. Theres only 30 years, 17 days difference between us. We are both Libras which I heard aren't supposed to get around. We have been married since I turned 19. 20+ years later still very much in love.
Thank you for telling me about Typewell. I'm heading there now before I hit the computer and crack more books.
Thanks, Mickey
All that shoving people are doing is a crime, in my own opinion. Though it's not a crime, it's as close as you can get to assault. I'm glad you're getting the mental health assistance to help you deal with all this negativity. I'm very glad that you have your husband to lean on for support. I'm so sorry that the world is so harsh toward you. It's a travesty.

I went to Purdue University for a year and a half and studied biology. I had to drop out due to illness. I was treated well, other than the reckless drivers, bicyclers, and skaters. Most of all, it was a great environment. I wish you the best in your journey, paddelingbear.

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