Michael Jackson Verdict! To Be Read 4.45pm Est Today!

Ja! Actually two ways root evil! either way from rich to poor or poor to rich.

If I happen to get rich, I would try everything to cover up my wealth. I am still in middle class for all I care.

Defee said:
Yep! isnt that the sad truth! its good to have lots of money but it can be root of evil too! I'd rather be just have enough to be comfortable than be wealthy cuz it can be nuthin but a pain.
ravensteve1961 said:
The DA should Appeal this case and make michael jackson spend more money for his defense.

Now I know you're on crack. He fucked it up BIG TIME.

Tom Snedden, I've felt from the very beginning that he was on a *personal mission* to destroy MJ because he felt he'd been *shown up* by MJ and that pissed him off.

Sneddon is scum, and I'd be frightened if I lived in the county where he is the District Attorney. He's EXACTLY the type of dangerous person that doesn't belong in such a powerful position.
diehardbiker65 said:
Sad fact... MONEY is the motivation factor for EVERYTHING we have to live with. If it weren't for the money, then we will know the truth.

Wrong. If that's true, how do you explain Robert Blake getting off? He was broke as a mofo; no one knew who he was(unless you live here) and yet he got off.
How can money be wrong? If it weren't for money, what we would be doing? Just think about it, look everywhere. Money is right there! There is always two sides of the coin!!!

It does not matter how wealthy Robert Blake might be. There is bound to be somebody around him looking for money. This includes DA, attorney, even cop. Sometimes DA can be the scammer!!! How? Selling story! Once there is story going on, there is what? M O N E Y!!!

So, it is very dangerous to be so quick on assumption. Assumption is MOTHERHOOD OF ALL FUCKS UP!

Sophia26 said:
Wrong. If that's true, how do you explain Robert Blake getting off? He was broke as a mofo; no one knew who he was(unless you live here) and yet he got off.
This is simple question:

Why a boy's mother let MJ paid boy's surgery?

Why a boy's mother let her son overnight MJ for months?

Why a boy's mother take money and everything from MJ for months?

And then tempt to blackmail MJ for more money because MJ quitted to give her anything. MJ ignored a boy´s mother´s threaten for open a sex-scandal to the public BECAUSE she know MJ´s 1st sex-scandal in the past.

He loves the kids and built the neverland for the kids, that´s why mother use her son for money.

I would NEVER let my children overnight at MJ when I know about his past when I were boy´s mother. I can´t image do like that because I´m too parniod to let my children alone with MJ which I know about his past. It look like mother care only money.

I think judge is not stupid and make a right decision what he do for MJ. One thing I wish judge send him to physical hospital.
I am glad MJ is not guilty. For one reason I don't believe in this boy and his family.
Seriously, how can y'all think he has money? He has HUGE debts to pay off and most of them are due by December. Around 250 million dollars from what I hear!
To be honest here, I dunno what to believe since I've heard both sides, and I have a hard time believing the mother and the young boy's story...It's almost like she just want the attention from the medias and she should have never accept the money that Michael had given her after all those years and it makes her look more guilty than Michael, that may be the reason why he was found not guilty... :dunno:

And another thing is, if she knew that Michael was sexually abusing other children, then why did she allowed her son to spent time or spend the night at Michael's place?...This whole thing doesn't add up...
Whether Michael Jackson did or didnt sexually abuse the children, we will never know the truth as long we live on this Earth..only God knows the truth!
that is all, folks!...................
Leave the man alone..............for he will have to face God when he passes on or WORSE, face the devil! :laugh2:
Don't forget to add that the mother were arrested and charged for scam that she had caused with others. Yes she was guilty of con-artist in the past. Had arrested for welfare fraud too! Would you believe story that comes from mouth of known con-artist? Sorry, not me!

So far what I understand 9 juror had reasonable doubt, and 3 didn't have reasonable doubt but agreed with the 9 that had reasonable doubt.

That is why I respect Juror and their decision. Judges, politican can't change that! ANYONE without felony conviction can serve on jury duty. That is one of biggest benefit of fair trial in America, is that they randomly choose jurors (Usually drawing number against your drivers license, or voter registration ID) to ensure that no one can bribe, manipulate the verdict.

The more I read, the more that I believe in Juror's decision and I think it is right decision.

^Angel^ said:
To be honest here, I dunno what to believe since I've heard both sides, and I have a hard time believing the mother and the young boy's story...It's almost like she just want the attention from the medias and she should have never accept the money that Michael had given her after all those years and it makes her look more guilty than Michael, that may be the reason why he was found not guilty... :dunno:

And another thing is, if she knew that Michael was sexually abusing other children, then why did she allowed her son to spent time or spend the night at Michael's place?...This whole thing doesn't add up...
ravensteve1961 said:
And i blame liberalism for all of this.I think in 2006 elections everyone who angry over todays verdict to vote out their liberal congressman and their liberal senator and lets get some real justice back in america.
I see you haven't really changed much since your last ban... - -;;;

anyway, I didn't like what they said and deciced that they find him not guilty...figures they do that just because he's a celebrity...

most celebrities don't get as much punishment as non-celebrities do and that's quite true, but is that totally fair to the justice system? not likey.

for example, the justice system did find martha stewart gulity for lying about retirement stocks and stuff, but they only sentenced her to be in prison for 6 months and under house arrest for another 6 months as well but for non-celebrities, they would obviously get their punishment much worse.

It's true that the justice is blind, but can be heard...but I guess in the justice system...it's not blind. it's retarded.

that's my opinon anyway.
I wish I had followed the case more closely. One thing I *believe* happened (similar to OJ) was a lot of evidence was surpressed (this is what good, expensive lawyers do). I recall the jurors after the OJ trial when they spoke publicly and said there is A LOT that we knew from the news but they weren't aware of during the trial. I believe the same thing here. I won't be one bit surprised in the next few weeks, some jurors come forward and say 'Had I known that, I would have voted guilty'.

One thing about MJ that troubles me is he thinks that everything he is doing is OK. I honestly believe he loves children and would never, ever do anything to intentionally hurt them....and I think that is one of the things that got him off in this case. The jurors probably considered him a 'lover' instead of a child molester.
I understand your point. Problem is... WHERE IS THE REAL EVIDENCE??? The Evidence don't lie!

Secondly, would you trust person who had committed scam in the past, to whatever this person says? Once Con-artist will always be con artist! This mother, left his son with MJ for whole year, for what? And for whole year, there should be some startling evidence around, but they are nowhere to be found.

As for OJ, I followed some, and I had enough reasonable doubts that he murdered his wife or whatever you want to call her. Why? It is because Evidence wasn't properly handled by investigators! So, it is POSSIBLE that these CSI fabricated the evidence, so that whoever did hope to make himself or herself look good for his or her promotion. That is just a possiblity. Scary, eh? sure it is! That is why defense attorney pays attention to the detail how the evidence were handled. If the evidence were proved handled improperly, it is automatically disqualified for court admission. Same way whenever the prosecutor attorey is looking into evidence from the defendant side.

Point here is we really don't want to put wrong person in jail and let the guilty one go free. I really wish that DA would have wait more time finding more evidence on both sides (Yes, BOTH the victim's mother and MJ) before pressing charges. Now that MJ can NOT be re-tried ever again! This is against the law, no double jeopardy is allowed.

IMHO these 12 Juror did good job! They weren't easy to deal with. I think it is all fair and square. 30 hours is really reasonable amount of time. I would be pissed off if they had spend only an hour or two to find guilty or not guilty.

Taylor said:
I wish I had followed the case more closely. One thing I *believe* happened (similar to OJ) was a lot of evidence was surpressed (this is what good, expensive lawyers do). I recall the jurors after the OJ trial when they spoke publicly and said there is A LOT that we knew from the news but they weren't aware of during the trial. I believe the same thing here. I won't be one bit surprised in the next few weeks, some jurors come forward and say 'Had I known that, I would have voted guilty'.

One thing about MJ that troubles me is he thinks that everything he is doing is OK. I honestly believe he loves children and would never, ever do anything to intentionally hurt them....and I think that is one of the things that got him off in this case. The jurors probably considered him a 'lover' instead of a child molester.
You can't compare OJ Simpson's case with MJ's case.

OJ Simpson's case is total different. It's logically that OJ Simpson bought the killer to do his ex-wife and her lover because we know his background. He's jealous and processive. The reason they found OJ Simpson not guilty because the DNA etc are mess up in police department. It's police's fault for not take care of DNA, etc well.

With MJ's case, they examined DNA, traces etc but there're nothing they can find the proof to against MJ. The reason they found MJ not guilty due the criminal of boy's mother's past. We all are not stupid and don't buy their statement against MJ like what I said in my previous posts.

I think the judge made his decision right.
Liebling:-))) said:
This is simple question:

Why a boy's mother let MJ paid boy's surgery?

Why a boy's mother let her son overnight MJ for months?

Why a boy's mother take money and everything from MJ for months?

And then tempt to blackmail MJ for more money because MJ quitted to give her anything. MJ ignored a boy´s mother´s threaten for open a sex-scandal to the public BECAUSE she know MJ´s 1st sex-scandal in the past.

He loves the kids and built the neverland for the kids, that´s why mother use her son for money.

I would NEVER let my children overnight at MJ when I know about his past when I were boy´s mother. I can´t image do like that because I´m too parniod to let my children alone with MJ which I know about his past. It look like mother care only money.

I think judge is not stupid and make a right decision what he do for MJ. One thing I wish judge send him to physical hospital.

You make a good point !!! :thumb:

It is really sad when you become millionare or famous person. They want to revenge on you for the money. Now, he becomes really deeply debts 250 million dollars to pay the lawyer to defense himself.

I am glad that he returns to his home and keep low profile. He looks not very good lately due to suffer and painful in his back with stressful and burden on the debts. :(

I always admire his performance dancer !!
He worked very hard to be successful since he was little kid !
Sabrina said:
You make a good point !!! :thumb:

It is really sad when you become millionare or famous person. They want to revenge on you for the money. Now, he becomes really deeply debts 250 million dollars to pay the lawyer to defense himself.

I am glad that he returns to his home and keep low profile. He looks not very good lately due to suffer and painful in his back with stressful and burden on the debts. :(

I always admire his performance dancer !!
He worked very hard to be successful since he was little kid !
thats right... i feel sad for him.. he is very suffer everything going on...
ravensteve1961 said:
Sothern California is very liberal. Its Northern California is conservative.Why you think Scott Peterson got death?

Well I see that the northland is a lot more liberal than the southland.

Sophia26 said:
Wrong. If that's true, how do you explain Robert Blake getting off? He was broke as a mofo; no one knew who he was(unless you live here) and yet he got off.
Doesnt matter whether hes broke or not..hes still a celebrity..a movie star in other words...ok?
diehardbiker65 said:
I understand your point. Problem is... WHERE IS THE REAL EVIDENCE??? The Evidence don't lie!

Secondly, would you trust person who had committed scam in the past, to whatever this person says? Once Con-artist will always be con artist! This mother, left his son with MJ for whole year, for what? And for whole year, there should be some startling evidence around, but they are nowhere to be found.

As for OJ, I followed some, and I had enough reasonable doubts that he murdered his wife or whatever you want to call her. Why? It is because Evidence wasn't properly handled by investigators! So, it is POSSIBLE that these CSI fabricated the evidence, so that whoever did hope to make himself or herself look good for his or her promotion. That is just a possiblity. Scary, eh? sure it is! That is why defense attorney pays attention to the detail how the evidence were handled. If the evidence were proved handled improperly, it is automatically disqualified for court admission. Same way whenever the prosecutor attorey is looking into evidence from the defendant side.

Point here is we really don't want to put wrong person in jail and let the guilty one go free. I really wish that DA would have wait more time finding more evidence on both sides (Yes, BOTH the victim's mother and MJ) before pressing charges. Now that MJ can NOT be re-tried ever again! This is against the law, no double jeopardy is allowed.

IMHO these 12 Juror did good job! They weren't easy to deal with. I think it is all fair and square. 30 hours is really reasonable amount of time. I would be pissed off if they had spend only an hour or two to find guilty or not guilty.

There was evidence in the past but a lot was left out for this case (and that is one of the problems I've had with it). Could these people be running a scam...absolutely and I feel they haven't been 100% truthful in their allegations but lets not forget the past cases where he's settled with families so they would keep their mouths shut. This isn't the first person to come forward with such allegations.
Many friends of Michael Jackson had warned him about sleeping with little boys. He admitted on TV how much he loved children and would spend nights in bed with them...having pillow fights, etc.
Lets not forget about the witnesses who worked at Neverland who have said (both in this case and in the past) about what has taken place there.

Remember, this case included just one kid and his family....but he wasn't the only kid, know what I mean?