After served on jury duty, I learn how the Jury system works. I find it IMPOSSIBLE to talk with anyone else beside juror! All jurors are to be escorted with two police or marshals. No Jurors is allowed to talk with their families, or friends! Not allowed to go anywhere outside designated areas for jurors, yes, they will pay you to sleep in hotel. That is because cops will be there to make sure Juror is not to be inferenced by anyone. How could attorney walk up and bribe with Jurors? If this happens, we will already know long time ago. The purpose of reasonable doubt is that if any evidence don't make any sense, then don't vote it guilty. Juror MUST be 10000000% clear and sense clearly with evidence before they can vote guilty.
After read the article that mentioned why Juror decided not guilty. One of them is that accuser is not credible, meaning that accuser have history of something that influence the decision. The accuser was busted for con artist in the past.This includes witness who happens to be con artist in past. So this is what damaged to the potential guilty verdict. I bet there is more that we don't know why MJ was found not guilty. I also learn that alot of celebrities have been found guilty, even Charlie Chaplain was found guilty on charge for going outside of the state to get married.
To understand how juror works, I recommend you to watch movie called "12 angry men" DAMN good movie, very dramatically, intense discission. You will be surprise how they did. That is what I have been though.
I am not endorsing or oppose the juror's decision. I look at both sides of coin, and I can see what could be going on. So, finally only GOD knows the truth.