Michael Jackson Verdict! To Be Read 4.45pm Est Today!

It's about time! Hooray!
Michael Jackson Not Guilty!!

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? Michael Jackson is NOT GUILTY for Child Molestation??

I bet MJ's attorney bribed the jurors that MJ would pay them alot of money to drop the charges against MJ!

MAKES ME SOOOO :mad2: :mad2:

MJ thinks he :Owned: the World! He should be :locked: in JAIL!!! :pissed: :pissed:

MJ's attorney claimed that MJ "slept" on the floor while the boy slept on the bed and there were supervisor there! :bsflag:

Mod Note: Thread merged.
Now who's making generalization here...I don't have time to dice them into groups but LA, Imperial are liberal; Orange, Riverside and San Diego are Conservative.

You should know when the media reported that one of the juror was laughing at one of the witnesses testimony. It was not guilty for then on...

I'm just pissed they fuck up the daytime schedule and now I have stay up to watch the reruns.
I am not surprised because I KNEW it before that he is an innoncent.
I'm not surprised because I KNEW before that he is an innoncent.

He has to learn his lesson for not welcome the kids in the future case the parents could use it for money.

I think judge should send him to physical hospital to learn to keep away from the kids. He's sick man and need the help.

I guess that he bring his childhood in the past back and act kid with the children because he never had like this when he was a child.

His childhood was not happy one that's why I think judge should send him to physical hospital to get the help to learn about himself and act adult when the children are around.
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Liebling:-))) said:
I am not surprised because I KNEW it before that he is an innoncent.
How did you KNOW he was innocent ? More like you belived he was innocent.
Mc Gusto said:
How did you KNOW he was innocent ? More like you belived he was innocent.

Check my post in this link:



Why the parents let their children overnight at MJ's which they know about MJ's past?
I searched to find out about a boy's parent's background and had the feeling that they only use for money. The boy's family background sound fishy to me.
After served on jury duty, I learn how the Jury system works. I find it IMPOSSIBLE to talk with anyone else beside juror! All jurors are to be escorted with two police or marshals. No Jurors is allowed to talk with their families, or friends! Not allowed to go anywhere outside designated areas for jurors, yes, they will pay you to sleep in hotel. That is because cops will be there to make sure Juror is not to be inferenced by anyone. How could attorney walk up and bribe with Jurors? If this happens, we will already know long time ago. The purpose of reasonable doubt is that if any evidence don't make any sense, then don't vote it guilty. Juror MUST be 10000000% clear and sense clearly with evidence before they can vote guilty.

After read the article that mentioned why Juror decided not guilty. One of them is that accuser is not credible, meaning that accuser have history of something that influence the decision. The accuser was busted for con artist in the past.This includes witness who happens to be con artist in past. So this is what damaged to the potential guilty verdict. I bet there is more that we don't know why MJ was found not guilty.

I also learn that alot of celebrities have been found guilty, even Charlie Chaplain was found guilty on charge for going outside of the state to get married.

To understand how juror works, I recommend you to watch movie called "12 angry men" DAMN good movie, very dramatically, intense discission. You will be surprise how they did. That is what I have been though.

I am not endorsing or oppose the juror's decision. I look at both sides of coin, and I can see what could be going on. So, finally only GOD knows the truth.

coloravalanche said:
I bet MJ's attorney bribed the jurors that MJ would pay them alot of money to drop the charges against MJ!
diehardbiker65 said:
After served on jury duty, I learn how the Jury system works. I find it IMPOSSIBLE to talk with anyone else beside juror! All jurors are to be escorted with two police or marshals. No Jurors is allowed to talk with their families, or friends! Not allowed to go anywhere outside designated areas for jurors, yes, they will pay you to sleep in hotel. That is because cops will be there to make sure Juror is not to be inferenced by anyone. How could attorney walk up and bribe with Jurors? If this happens, we will already know long time ago. The purpose of reasonable doubt is that if any evidence don't make any sense, then don't vote it guilty. Juror MUST be 10000000% clear and sense clearly with evidence before they can vote guilty.

After read the article that mentioned why Juror decided not guilty. One of them is that accuser is not credible, meaning that accuser have history of something that influence the decision. The accuser was busted for con artist in the past.This includes witness who happens to be con artist in past. So this is what damaged to the potential guilty verdict. I bet there is more that we don't know why MJ was found not guilty. I also learn that alot of celebrities have been found guilty, even Charlie Chaplain was found guilty on charge for going outside of the state to get married.

To understand how juror works, I recommend you to watch movie called "12 angry men" DAMN good movie, very dramatically, intense discission. You will be surprise how they did. That is what I have been though.

I am not endorsing or oppose the juror's decision. I look at both sides of coin, and I can see what could be going on. So, finally only GOD knows the truth.


Simple answer is: there're no DNA, no physical evidence, no proof, nothing.
Its all talk! You know, talk can be cheap! Most of the child molesters have pictures of the victim. I know not all, I am saying MOST, and no proof? I admit, if I were poor and wanted money so fast. I would do anything even if it meaning hurting somebody. Framing is one way, once found guilty, BINGO! sue him for the damages, then walk off with lots of money and NOBODY knows the truth. Problem we have today is fraud, most of them are hidden. That is why Juror is there to see if there is fishy story behind the truth.

Damn! I forgot the exact name of the movie. I think "I know my kids will tell you" It is about somebody framed parent on molesting their own kids. Based on true story. Two sons were brainwashed by police, counselors, DA, just because they believe somebody told them that the boys were molested by their parents. DA was so thrilled because it was front page story and wanted it so badly. DA did everything to make himself look good and found parents guilty on all count. parents were sent to prison, 15 years later, FINALLY the truth came to light. Two boys said, NO, parents NEVER touched them. The case were reopened and re-investigated. Found that DA fabricated to story, and altered the evidence. Now, why we sent these two poor parent to jail... FOR WHAT? To help DA make money? that is OUTRAGEOUS! In the end, DA is now disbarred, and no longer allowed to practice in justice system, license revoked permenantly with stiff penalty. Happens in central california.

Liebling:-))) said:

Simple answer is: there're no DNA, no physical evidence, no proof, nothing.
Michael Jackson's acquittal didnt surprise me at all...after all him and his
family got lots of moolah..ya know?
Scott Peterson wasnt so lucky, him and his famly didnt have any moolah..
makes all the difference in the world!! Just look at the past history....
Sad fact... MONEY is the motivation factor for EVERYTHING we have to live with. If it weren't for the money, then we will know the truth.

I can be grateful for one thing... that I am not rich, and nobody bother to chase me! One of my good friend is very wealthy, that person told me that he/she is SICK of people trying to get money from him/her. As of right now, somebody is sueing him/her because that person saw his/her property being loaded! That is all it takes, Boooooom accident happens... I looked at the area and couldn't figure out how this shit happens. I can see how frustrating my friend is! I don't think it is fair!

Defee said:
Michael Jackson's acquittal didnt surprise me at all...after all him and his
family got lots of moolah..ya know?
Scott Peterson wasnt so lucky, him and his famly didnt have any moolah..
makes all the difference in the world!! Just look at the past history....
diehardbiker65, Yes, I know the difference but with MJ's condition is total different.

You will understand when you study a boy's family's background.

A boy's mother made scandal about MJ because it do with MJ's 1st scandal in the past that's why she used her son for that.

Why a boy's mother let MJ paid boy's surgery?
Why a boy's mother let her son overnight MJ for months?
Why a boy's mother take money and everything from MJ for months?
And then tempt to blackmail MJ for money before she created a sex-scandal in the public. MJ rejected a boy's mother tempted blackmail and stay firm because he know that he did not hurt the kids.

You will understand more when you search to find out about boy's family's background. I had the feeling that mother use her own son for money because she knows MJ love kids... Yes, she also know that MJ's behavior is childish and werid man, and his 1st scandal in the past that's why she use it.
Yes, MJ learn his lesson for not welcome the kids anymore in the future case the parents could use it for money.

I think judge should send him to physical hospital to learn to keep away from the kids. He's sick man and need the help.

I guess that he bring his childhood in the past back and act kid with the children because he never had like this when he was a child.

His childhood was not happy one that's why I think judge should send him to physical hospital to get the help to learn about himself and act adult when the children are around.
diehardbiker65 said:
Sad fact... MONEY is the motivation factor for EVERYTHING we have to live with. If it weren't for the money, then we will know the truth.

I can be grateful for one thing... that I am not rich, and nobody bother to chase me! One of my good friend is very wealthy, that person told me that he/she is SICK of people trying to get money from him/her. As of right now, somebody is sueing him/her because that person saw his/her property being loaded! That is all it takes, Boooooom accident happens... I looked at the area and couldn't figure out how this shit happens. I can see how frustrating my friend is! I don't think it is fair!
Yep! isnt that the sad truth! its good to have lots of money but it can be root of evil too! I'd rather be just have enough to be comfortable than be wealthy cuz it can be nuthin but a pain.