Mental Illness - To Keep Kids Or Not?


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Aug 8, 2003
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Since there is Susan Smith's name coming up, in alldeaf, I am wondering if you agreed any mothers who are manic depression, schizophrenia, etc and so forth, should fall pregnant and keep the babies, eg Pauline Yates's husband knew she had the illness and take away the life of their 5 children.

What is your opinion about it?
Well, it depends on how "serious" mental illness is if, kids should live with mothers or not. If, mothers are takin' medication for her "serious" mental illness, then, maybe she needs an evulation (spellin' ??) through by therapist or some kind of counselin' to be sure that her "stability" is well- balanced. Really, it all depends how badly their mental illness is .......
If the mother starts to suffer from mental illness and it could put others at risk, then she should be put in a mental hospital. It was a bit crazy for that husband to let his wife keep going like this. If he had done something years ago, that probably would have never happened.
It really depends on how the healthcare system takes care of those afflicted with a mental illness. I know of a friend's friend who has schzinophrenia, but still is allowed to be home with her 3 kids. Whenever she becomes manic and acting strange and not taking her medication, she's sent to the local mental hospital for a spell of like a few weeks to a few months. It depends on how severe her case is.
Do you remmy Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Baker) lived into few foster home after her mother unable to take care of hers?
In my opinion, if the mother is ' Mental Illness ' should NOT allow to have any children or if she does then she WOULDN'T be able to take care of them or give them alot of LOVE!....

It could put HER Children at RISK!... :thumbd: ...
VamPyroX said:
If the mother starts to suffer from mental illness and it could put others at risk, then she should be put in a mental hospital. It was a bit crazy for that husband to let his wife keep going like this. If he had done something years ago, that probably would have never happened.

:werd: ...I agree...
I Do not think it is a good or wise to have a mother who's hallucinating and hearing voices....if they have a mood problem and they can become nasty and irritable and angrythe person had no control over his or her own body and that they were somehow overloaded and therefore unresponsive to the outside world. how will that effects the children... It can cause worst fears to the children their life will be at sake...We would not want to see children beaten or killed... the mother should get herself help before she can take care of others....Sometimes it is best if she is not around the children...that is my honest feelings... :)
RedRum said:
Since there is Susan Smith's name coming up, in alldeaf, I am wondering if you agreed any mothers who are manic depression, schizophrenia, etc and so forth, should fall pregnant and keep the babies, eg Pauline Yates's husband knew she had the illness and take away the life of their 5 children.

What is your opinion about it?

Grh! You just remember me about Pauline Yate! did you know that she killed herself... She´s real sick woman!!!
No, I don´t think it would be good idea to leave the children at their parents who suffer mental illness. It would risk the children´s life if they stay with them.
It would be different if the parents are agree to have professional help (therapies) to cure their mental healthy for their children´s sake.

Example about 2 cases:
I don´t know if you know the story about an American lady named Diana Downs who shot her 3 children somewhere in Oreoans last 1983. One of three children are killed. The reasons is Lew Lewiston, her married lover because he never want to be father. She did it for him.. What a crazy... She was put in prision for life sentence... She´s still in prison... Did you heard about this situation? She suffered mental illness due sexual abuse by her father in the past... She should leave her children at grandparents if she think she´s not good mother enough... The processor & his wife adopted her 2 children... They lived happily with them.

The 3 years old girl here was murdered by her mother´s boyfriend at few months ago because she´s daughter of "bastard". Her mother watched what her boyfriend did to her daughter is shaved her hair, beat her up, burnt her body with cigarettes etc. etc.
The reason is because that mother don´t want to "lose" her boyfriend.. Crazy, isn´t she? I can´t image of watch my boyfriend hurt my children... NO WAY..
They found out that the mother is also mental illness, too.

That´s why I don´t think it would be good idea to leave the children at their parents with those healthy situation.
Liebling:-))) said:
No, I don´t think it would be good idea to leave the children at their parents who suffer mental illness. It would risk the children´s life if they stay with them.
It would be different if the parents are agree to have professional help (therapies) to cure their mental healthy for their children´s sake.

Example about 2 cases:
I don´t know if you know the story about an American lady named Diana Downs who shot her 3 children somewhere in Oreoans last 1983. One of three children are killed. The reasons is Lew Lewiston, her married lover because he never want to be father. She did it for him.. What a crazy... She was put in prision for life sentence... She´s still in prison... Did you heard about this situation? She suffered mental illness due sexual abuse by her father in the past... She should leave her children at grandparents if she think she´s not good mother enough... The processor & his wife adopted her 2 children... They lived happily with them.

The 3 years old girl here was murdered by her mother´s boyfriend at few months ago because she´s daughter of "bastard". Her mother watched what her boyfriend did to her daughter is shaved her hair, beat her up, burnt her body with cigarettes etc. etc.
The reason is because that mother don´t want to "lose" her boyfriend.. Crazy, isn´t she? I can´t image of watch my boyfriend hurt my children... NO WAY..
They found out that the mother is also mental illness, too.

That´s why I don´t think it would be good idea to leave the children at their parents with those healthy situation.

*geez* That horrible! I dislike that..

If you feel not want losing your partner or else.. simple ask someone relatives who willing taking care of children which you have mental illiness.
Or.. seek for ask help counselloring somehow to prevent hurting the chidlrens.

Made me feel disgustion 1 minutes about who did murder their own kids!
WaterRats13 said:
It really depends on how the healthcare system takes care of those afflicted with a mental illness. I know of a friend's friend who has schzinophrenia, but still is allowed to be home with her 3 kids. Whenever she becomes manic and acting strange and not taking her medication, she's sent to the local mental hospital for a spell of like a few weeks to a few months. It depends on how severe her case is.

My former neighbour of 5 years has schizophrenia is allowed to keep her 3 children, and to be honest to tell you, she is my WORST neighbour of HELL to live with in my entire life. I was there helping her to pick up the pieces, her husband left her when their baby was 6 months old, and she is acting very immature, and my other neighbours knows she is crazy woman, and put up with her screaming, lost control, and we chose to ignored her because her personality will changed completely different by the end of the day!

I am aware that she visited hospital for about half hour appointment with therapist, you named it, I don't think they knew what she is like to be lived with 24 hours! She can be a good actress to fool them! Specialist never comes and asked us (her neighbours) what/how she is like!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course they are waiting UNTIL its too late to see any tragic happen!
Hey you can't generalize. I'm bipolar affective, and while I have significent issues with it,(been on meds for awhile) I think I would be an OK mom.
There are horrible parents with mental illness but there are also horrible parents who are mentally healthy.
I can see where u are coming from RedRum and I totally agree with you.. they can fake a drug test.. And I am sure they can fake how They Behave. They can put on a Play and act like She is perfectly Fine. and then if it passed by the Therapies.. She could get worse at Home and take it out on the Children. We can't sit there and wait for something bad to happen. That is not fair to the Children. Children Deserved the Happiness and Love in their life not suffering or pains.
I understand where RedRum is coming from on this....

Its almost like a ' killer ' ...U see when we are walking down the street, passing each friendly people..and ONE of that friendly person is a killer...they can trick you, fool u etc....its almost the same thing here...

NO ONE knows what going on behind the close door in their own homes!.. :ugh:
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I dont think women who suffer from metal illness or depression or any other related types should have children because they would put their lives in danger, too. They are better off to get help first.
mental health SUCKS at best they won't help ANYONE unless they harm themselves or put others at grave risk, i have a former stepdad who's GF's nephew who JUST Killed his uncle and aunt and tried to kill his mom, then he drove away THEN KILLED HIMSELF so it sucks Sonoma County WON'T help anyone unless thier gonna hurt themselves OR hurt others Really STUPID at best!

As far as im concerned if the mother has say MILD bipolar then as long as she takes medication she'll be fine and if happen preggy and want OFF medication she ll admit into the pych ward for the time til the baby's born, THEN only THEN will the child be watch and closely watching the mother on good terms so to speak BUT any severe cases, NO way i won't allow mothers to raise thier kids in this enviorment!
deafdyke said:
There are horrible parents with mental illness but there are also horrible parents who are mentally healthy.

Yep, I've seen some mothers who are mentally healthy have their problems, too.... not just mentally illness mothers only.
Yes, RedRum I´m total agree with you...!!!
The therapies didn´t know how the children suffer...

I know because I saw it myself... terrible!!!
Some mothers look normal to everyone, until their marriage breakdown, and husband left her for other woman, it start to build up anger and sometimes using their children as a weapon to hurt her husband in revenge!

Also today I watched TV news about california man killed 9 people of his relatives as I was told everyone KNEW he is religious-manic for FEW YEARS, sadly no one pay much attention until it is TOO LATE !!!