**MENSA** May the luck be with you?

If Mensa is entertaining like The Big Bang Theory show then I'm all for it if they had the deaf version! Gimme the test, gimme me the rites of passage, hazing and whatnots that comes with the territory.
My equals, if you do happen to ever see this, you'll see that they just proved my repugance of intellectuals who say they're geniuses or near geniuses but they're in fact above average in addition to the "Deaf" character they carry as a minority. I haven't found what I seek and I won't stop, even if it takes another 15 years. At least, I left my mark here in hopes of an acquaintance only to be shot down by the Commons. I need not waste my time here in this particular thread.

Very interesting comment. Commons. Dislike of deaf "intellectuals" labeling themselves more than what they are. This is a more of a smoke and mirror thing in my opinion with people ONLINE. There are people that are more real in person than what they claim to be online.

I have my own faults/habits and I know for my better good that I should be thinking like a sheep and being happy with what I have. So back to being a sheep. If you want to find your own "peers" and yet have not found them when you have the world/internet after so many years of searching, you are missing something. Have fun I do truly hope you do find another person of your kind, I understand and so do many others who knows what you are talking about finding that equal the other half even though youre married, its not the same. No matter on what level/walks of life humans are constantly looking for another like them. I still cannot find another deaf like me that likes what I like, that is on my level, that has same logic/approach like I do. Its all about being a human. Just do us "Commoners" a favor. Give us more credit and respect and do not walk over us. Alot of us commoners can read between the lines. Or we will see you as a wolf under the sheeps clothing and wield our pitchforks and torches and go on a wolf hunt.

Baa back to the sheep I am.
That'd be nice to know if there is a Mensa member out there. I don't believe it is possible to find any deaf here that is a member of such! :(

oh, really?
You just got a response from one and it'll be the last one from ME.:bye: