URL: http://deafness.about.com/cs/featurescauses/a/meningitis.htm
To Survive and Be Deaf is a Miracle
Meningitis. Of all the common causes of hearing loss, this one is the most frightening, the most deadly. Time and again, I have read articles about families whose child became deathly ill with meningitis, pulled through, and then they found out that the child was deaf.
How common is meningitis as a cause of hearing loss? One source of data is the Gallaudet Research Institute's Regional and National Summary of Report Data from the Annual Survey of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth. Nationally, the percentage with meningitis as the cause of loss was 5.9% according to the 1999-2000 survey, making it the leading post-natal cause of hearing loss. Studies have also found a possible link between light eye color and deafness resulting from meningitis. Symptoms
The symptoms of meningitis include:
Rapid, high fever
Spots on the body
Painful joints
Extreme weakness
Glazed, faraway eyes
It acts so quickly and can kill so quickly and is such a terrible, hair-raising experience that survival and deafness is a good outcome.
Treatment of Meningitis-Caused Hearing Loss
Many people, particularly children, who have been deafened by meningitis can be helped by cochlear implants or hearing aids. Unfortunately neither implants nor hearing aids were around to help one of the best-known victims of meningitis, the blind and deaf Helen Keller, who lost her vision and hearing to meningitis at the age of one and a half.
To Survive and Be Deaf is a Miracle
Meningitis. Of all the common causes of hearing loss, this one is the most frightening, the most deadly. Time and again, I have read articles about families whose child became deathly ill with meningitis, pulled through, and then they found out that the child was deaf.
How common is meningitis as a cause of hearing loss? One source of data is the Gallaudet Research Institute's Regional and National Summary of Report Data from the Annual Survey of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth. Nationally, the percentage with meningitis as the cause of loss was 5.9% according to the 1999-2000 survey, making it the leading post-natal cause of hearing loss. Studies have also found a possible link between light eye color and deafness resulting from meningitis. Symptoms
The symptoms of meningitis include:
Rapid, high fever
Spots on the body
Painful joints
Extreme weakness
Glazed, faraway eyes
It acts so quickly and can kill so quickly and is such a terrible, hair-raising experience that survival and deafness is a good outcome.
Treatment of Meningitis-Caused Hearing Loss
Many people, particularly children, who have been deafened by meningitis can be helped by cochlear implants or hearing aids. Unfortunately neither implants nor hearing aids were around to help one of the best-known victims of meningitis, the blind and deaf Helen Keller, who lost her vision and hearing to meningitis at the age of one and a half.