Meningitis survivor needs help with test results.

Tony Hamilton

New Member
Feb 26, 2017
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I am recovering from Meningitis.
My hearing was damaged by the disease and ototoxic antibiotics.

Got results chart today, don't understand it.

Can someone look at it and explain it to me?

Thanks, that would be great. It is on Photobucket - Link below.

Any help would be great,


There are two symbols. One is a triangle, which represents one ear. The other has the circles, which represents the other ear. The triangle ones put you in the moderate/severe loss range, the circle ones put you in the profound range. (Look at the right of the chart-it tells what ranges). I'm surprised your audiologist didn't explain this to you. Did you get fitted for hearing aids yet?
Why does the date look like it says January 1, 197(?) ? That's not today's date.
That was the birthdate they put in - circles was left ear, triangles right. Thanks for explaining. Will cochlear implants help me?
The circles, perhaps. Not for the triangle ones, they would not likely qualify you for a CI when that ear is only moderate. Your best bet is to hook up with a CI audiologist and find out.
No hearing aids fitted. They reckon I will continue to lose my right ear for 6 months to a year.
The screaming tinnitus is driving me totally crazy as it is at amazing levels and shattering glass pitch and never ever stops.
Can't afford hearing aids yet, takes up to a year to see a Consultant Audiologist in UK Hospitals. It's 3 stages -
Family Doctor, Hospital Consultant and then Sensory Loss Team. Plus we don't have very much people here with Health Insurance, only the very rich.
Never planned to get the Meningitis, don't know what will happen up ahead. Haven't had a drink for 24 years, never been so thirsty for one as now.
Say a prayer for me.

If anyone out there had any insights for my Wife to help her understand that would be great as she is under even more pressure than me trying to adjust. I love her so and don't want to lose her over being sad and cranky at going deaf.
You've basically got a flat 90dB profound loss in both ears. The triangles meant that they added 45-60 dB of masking(noise added in) at 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz on your right ear while they were doing the hearing test.