Member Name Change?


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
I have a question for some of you...

Why do you change your member name?

I've noticed that some of you have changed your member name at least once. Is it cuz someone is stalking you? Is it cuz you're ashamed of something? Is it cuz you're embarassed? Is it cuz you don't like the name you currently have?

If you rather say nothing, fine.
I haven't changed my mine yet and I'm planning on leaving it alone....

Good question you asked there Vampy, I wonder the same thing...:dunno:
At first I had BlueButterfly for about a month and then after a few members here started to call me "Butterfly girl" I came to liking being called Butterfly girl so I decided to change it to ButterflyGirl :)
Yeah. It's like changing your AIM screen name over and over. I've seen some people change their screen names over and over. I later find out that many of them changed their screen names cuz of the problems they caused with other people. One person becomes friends with 10 people. One day, this person hates one of her 10 friends and decides to change her screen name so this one person can't IM her. Later, the same thing happens with another person and so forth. I have lost some friends because of this. They change their screen names so often that they fade away and forgot to tell others. At first, I thought it was me... until I asked others that I knew were friends with this person. They all told me the same thing. Sometimes, I'll get an IM out of the blue... from this person that I hadn't talked to for years. Other people change their screen names cuz it fits the boyfriend/girlfriend theme. They change their screen name so that it represents the boy and girl together. Later, they break up and change screen names again. The screen name I have has never been changed. I have another screen name for personal use and close friends... and that one was never changed for 9 years until my parents cancelled AOL without telling me. So, that name is gone. :(
Oh you're talking about aims screen name? Yes I did changed mine twice cause of harassment and stalking....
I am thinking of changing my handle name here very soon, because of new
member's handle name similiar as mine, but sometimes I thought why should I suffer because I arrived here first than her!!

I can understand that there are some member's similiar names confusing everyone here - see the link I provided.

AIM - I lost it beyond my control as I will sign up with ANOTHER handle name for a change! :P
Some people can't make up their minds, I guess. I haven't changed my AD member since I joined in June 2004.
I still use " CyberRed " since I joined here. I like my screen name.
I know, Tell me about it Vampy. Miss P change her name 3 times! :ugh: I don't understand why members kept on changing their names after all they're still the same person name after name.
:whistle: I changed my username for AD probably 4 times now lol but that's the last time I will change it ;) btw hi vampy :D
I've had the same handle my entire Internet life.
I only had changed once cuz too much overwhelmed by men from the previous screen name so I changed it to this one and it much better. Pomeranian which I have not change. Only aim.
I've had one AIM screenname the whole time I've been online, and I won't change it for the same reasons Vampy pointed out. You change the name, and then, people lose touch with you. Also, I use mail preferences on my account, so every time I change a name, I'd have to redo those preferences, and THAT is a pain! Therefore, it's much simpler to keep the name I have.

I also concur with some that it's stupid to change your username fifty times over. What's the deal with that? We all will figure out who you are eventually just by your writing style. I can see if you're bored with a username. I've gotten bored with mine from time to time. I've also contemplated a slight change to Oceangurl, because a friend used to call me that, but I never actually did it. I just don't see the point. I'll always be Oceanbreeze, and that is fine by me.
I've had the same name, the first time I had Internet access - this was many, many years ago!

No reason for me to change my name. :)
i have kept mine for this forum but for IM.. may have to change for IM bec some ppl contact me for my hubby.. so im abt to divorce him so need my own im name. that is down the rd but i am keeping the name still... to avoid confusion. sometimes when you face a crisis in your life that you may have to change for some reasons. it sucks sometimes..... :sadwave:
I have no plan to change my handle! Somebody stole my handle... Pissed me off... oh well...
Ive had my AIM handle for YEARS now...can't even remembe when I started using it...*smh* - I did have DreamDeaf as the other AIM handle, but lost the password and cancelled the account before I even thought about emailing for the lost password...*sigh*...still searching for the stupid password!


as for me, Third changed my sn here... First time reason honour my 1st bulldog passed away.. decide change sn 2nd time... Used to be long time... until caused some ppl thinks I'm tend meanie people.. err *coughing* no... but which the best for me easier than explain over again.. less my breath saver! Third time I'm currency my sn here.. on AD that is it.. I think it's good enough for me.. *hmmmmm*

btw, Instant messager 4 in 1 are always same sn for long time never changed.. *Magic word is.. Red button as condiser Ignore or block person then delete! " I have no problem my user Id for many years why is that necessary change userid for? What more, Why you took involve problematic w/your buddy contuines...? Should have use red button, perhaps you know where is it.. Common sense!