Yeah, cybersex sucks. I was into it when I was younger in HS. ofc, I grew up. I'm 22 yrs old... However, I had experience with having sex with guy whom I met online... webcam & meeting offline... They are fairly good experience. I look at what I have done in my life as a lesson, something I can learn from... Although, I dont do night stand. I dont do friend w/ benefits. they complicate things. Have any of you done friend with benefits, was it complicated for u to be friend with the persona nd have sex with them? it was for me. due to the guy breaking his word, that he wouldnt make it any more complicate for me, because I told him from the beginning that I just want to be friends, nothing more, no string attach, no emotion, or pressure involves. just casual sex. eventually, he end up begging me for more, and wanting to be with me in relationship. I ended it. Never want to go thru that again.