meanings of tattoo locations

I knew an agent from the Society of Human Ecology working with John Stockwell of the CIA who in an act of gallows humor by those who released the AIDS virus tattoo'd her inner thigh with a grim reaper pointing towards her vagina.
I knew an agent from the Society of Human Ecology working with John Stockwell of the CIA who in an act of gallows humor by those who released the AIDS virus tattoo'd her inner thigh with a grim reaper pointing towards her vagina.

Aha!! Been waiting for something like this :)
I knew an agent from the Society of Human Ecology working with John Stockwell of the CIA who in an act of gallows humor by those who released the AIDS virus tattoo'd her inner thigh with a grim reaper pointing towards her vagina.

one of my tats is on my chest and that diagram dont even have that listed :hmm:
You're a rebel clearly. I have a chest tattoo as well.... we don't play by the rules.... :twisted: :laugh2:

Weirdest tattoo I ever saw:
An illustrated "Dickie bird" on a woman's thigh, visible with a short skirt. Complete with wings and veins. Pretty gross looking lol

Worst tattoo I ever saw:
A full torso covered in a portrait of hitler, tomb stones for Jews, and about 15 schwastikas. Also gross. He inquired about wedding photography for his obviously biracial fiancé. She needs better taste.

I dated a guy who's only tattoos were on his hands and neck... Which to me is really weird because I'd think you need more under your clothes before you expand...

I also photographed a girl at a tattoo expo who got her entire downstairs tattooed with leopard print.. She said it was the most painful shower she's ever had the next morning haha she was tattooed in public too I might add... Link (it's work safe)

I've also seen a guy with really good work but horrible placement alllll over his head. He surprisingly doesn't work for anything like a tattoo shop (still wonder how he's employable!) It's the very last photo at this link: Saratoga Tattoo Expo 2013 » Christine Neely Photography
Weirdest tattoo I ever saw:
An illustrated "Dickie bird" on a woman's thigh, visible with a short skirt. Complete with wings and veins. Pretty gross looking lol

Worst tattoo I ever saw:
A full torso covered in a portrait of hitler, tomb stones for Jews, and about 15 schwastikas. Also gross. He inquired about wedding photography for his obviously biracial fiancé. She needs better taste.

I dated a guy who's only tattoos were on his hands and neck... Which to me is really weird because I'd think you need more under your clothes before you expand...

I also photographed a girl at a tattoo expo who got her entire downstairs tattooed with leopard print.. She said it was the most painful shower she's ever had the next morning haha she was tattooed in public too I might add... Link (it's work safe)

I've also seen a guy with really good work but horrible placement alllll over his head. He surprisingly doesn't work for anything like a tattoo shop (still wonder how he's employable!) It's the very last photo at this link: Saratoga Tattoo Expo 2013 » Christine Neely Photography

I'm a massage therapist, I've seen a lot of ink. The all time stupidest tattoo I've ever seen.....this guy had a money bag tattoo covering pretty much his entire back. It wasn't actually a lot of ink, it was just the outline of a bag with a $ sign on in a cartoon when they rob a bank. I. Swear. To. God.

you got to wonder what people were thinking sometimes, like why would you want a leopard snatch? mosylt it would just look kind of like hair, and since I wax all of that......yeah I don't get it. I'm racking my brain trying to figure out some kind of significance.
I'm a massage therapist, I've seen a lot of ink. The all time stupidest tattoo I've ever seen.....this guy had a money bag tattoo covering pretty much his entire back. It wasn't actually a lot of ink, it was just the outline of a bag with a $ sign on in a cartoon when they rob a bank. I. Swear. To. God.

you got to wonder what people were thinking sometimes, like why would you want a leopard snatch? mosylt it would just look kind of like hair, and since I wax all of that......yeah I don't get it. I'm racking my brain trying to figure out some kind of significance.

Lol the photo got a LOT of comments on FB. One person posted it looked like maggots. That's the one and only comment I deleted because it was the most graphic.

Hope moneybags tipped well. Lol
a new meaning...NOT
I wonder how drink that guy was when he got that? I think that's a guy, looks like a boy butt.
:laugh2: I can agree with this for the most part.... Except I have TONS of tattoos, some on my forearms and one on the back of my neck ( covered by my hair ) and I definitely have a good job that pays taxes with the hospital. :P Long sleeves ( medical coat ) cover those up. Plus, when I'm saving someones arse, they really don't care if I'm tattoo'd up. :P

Same my wife have back of neck, back, and arm, She still get GOOD job and pays taxes for gov't.
Dude I'm not getting sucked into your delusions.

That means you deny it and your claim to delusions is voided by the facts. Her name is Lisa and she attended College of the Atlantic. Are you going to deny it?
I'm a massage therapist, I've seen a lot of ink. The all time stupidest tattoo I've ever seen.....this guy had a money bag tattoo covering pretty much his entire back. It wasn't actually a lot of ink, it was just the outline of a bag with a $ sign on in a cartoon when they rob a bank. I. Swear. To. God.

you got to wonder what people were thinking sometimes, like why would you want a leopard snatch? mosylt it would just look kind of like hair, and since I wax all of that......yeah I don't get it. I'm racking my brain trying to figure out some kind of significance.

Worst tattoo I've ever seen? Definitely in the ER, and I didn't see his "man junk" thankfully.... but he had a devil straddling his.... junk. Again, I was saved the visual of his man junk.... but still it was enough to imagine and make me shudder a bit.... :laugh2:
Lame tattoo. I assume he's a fan of the movie called The Human Centipede. A sadistic doctor drew that to show his patients what he's gonna do to them.

I noticed that, I thought it was from the human centipede... Gross friggin movie.... interesting though I suppose.... Still disgusting.... :crazy: doctor man.... :crazy: people always make me question them when they come up with these messed up movies.... someone had to imagine this crap!!! :crazy: