Mean People


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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What's something mean a person did/said to you?

One time I went to the testing center in my college. There was this young lady sitting behind the desk, and she said something that I didn't catch because it came out quick and with a low voice. I asked her to repeat what she said, and she gave me this attitude out of nowhere and repeated what she said. Must've been her time of month. :dunno:
Originally posted by Alex
What's something mean a person did/said to you?

One time I went to the testing center in my college. There was this young lady sitting behind the desk, and she said something that I didn't catch because it came out quick and with a low voice. I asked her to repeat what she said, and she gave me this attitude out of nowhere and repeated what she said. Must've been her time of month. :dunno:

ooo yikes - heh ahhhh for me, hmmm an ex-friend sent me a threatening email
Re: Re: Mean People

Originally posted by *~Rayden Wins~*
ooo yikes - heh ahhhh for me, hmmm an ex-friend sent me a threatening email
oh yeah someone did thread and try blame one for *rape*. I never meet her in my life yet. she is an asshole and bitch, sorry if I said bad things on this post.
when some student called my house and said our teacher died which was a hoax... i thought it was the meanest joke ever. cos it actually spread around and people were getting really upset.

:roll: there are mean people out there.. geez oh well I remmy when I was workin at my work (drugstore) some senior citizen asked me for my help then i said I can't hear then they said I can't hear either :roll: that's a mean but lame excuse that no one can seem to understand deaf can DO anything :(
They ask my friends or whoever is with me, what language am I speaking and I sound so cute......... By the way, I was talking fast....
i get attitude mainly because i give attitude... its deaf people like me that other deaf people hate because we're the "label causers" that hearing people impose on other well behaved deafies.
A student called me at home and said my mom died in horrific car accident. I played along and said,"Oh my god! No way! I'm going nuts now!" then hung up. Know why? My mom was behind me and laughing her ass off. :roll:
Originally posted by Aberrrcrombie03
A student called me at home and said my mom died in horrific car accident. I played along and said,"Oh my god! No way! I'm going nuts now!" then hung up. Know why? My mom was behind me and laughing her ass off. :roll:
why that student call ya? Are you enemies with that person or they're trying to make a joke on ya?
Mean people? I could handle some of them sometimes...

But if it comes to mean people with no pity, no hint of empathy and no drop of a remorse, it is my PET peeve!
Originally posted by Aberrrcrombie03
A student called me at home and said my mom died in horrific car accident. I played along and said,"Oh my god! No way! I'm going nuts now!" then hung up. Know why? My mom was behind me and laughing her ass off. :roll:
yuppp thats really mean!! :o
long time ago, I ask my ex friend about need help me for something i need then she say NO!, go ask your other friend, i ask her why? then she say, you are retard,stupid and your mom is bitch. then she start laugh then hung up. she's sound mostly very very mean lady because I know her since we are kids until teenager we are not friends anymore.