me thinks I'll like it here

deafclimber said:
cool i am too but actually he is my step dad. :)

ahh you shud ask ur bro to take u to climb and rappell sometimes. u wud have a BLAST !... ahh yea, i had been in lake ozark. it was so beautiful !

yea, ozarks are pretty neat, I went on some short hikes through there with them a couple years ago..... I think the climbing and rappelling would be a blast, but... alas, in the last year my balance has became terrible and some other problems have arisen, now just short walks, about 200 yards is it anymore, but hey, I so still enjoy those!!!

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:wave: :welcome: Hello Preacher's son and welcome to AD. You will make many friends here at AD. Everyone here is so nice and friendly!!

How is the weather now? Here in Rhode Island, it's hot and muggy!! It's really like we never had a Spring. We went from rain, cold to summer!!

I hope you have fun here at AD. Look forward to your postings!!! Have a wonderful evening!! :angel:

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