McCain Picks Palin!!!

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If women should have the right to procreate or not, then men should have that same right. This is a serious injustice. And the innocent child is caught in the middle. I believe the rights of the innocent supercede the rights of the adults.

Then instead of reversing Roe V Wade to deny that choice to everyone, extend it to allow the father rights in the decision. Given the number of fathers in this country that do not offer any form of support, financial or emotional, to their children, I doubt that it would have a big impact. But at least the choice is still available to all, rather than denying that choice to all based on a minority's moral stance.
Yeah. Why not? She can be first woman for VP in history. I did read her background in history. I know now. I can see that she have a beautiful spirit. What is wrong with it?

It takes more than good looks to run a country, that's what's wrong with it.
I do not base beauty as a critera of running a is nice but having brains is even better. Sorry...if I am going to vote for someone who is beautiful, she better be smart as hell and show that she has the experience to run a whole country! I have my reasons for not admiring her.

Well, I think Obama is prettier than McCain, so I'm going to vote for Obama! Nah, nah, nah!!
Nice?...Wait a few days. If that long.

Yep, I"d be more impressed if she were characterized as a tough bi-atch. That's more in line with the characteristics needed to run a country.

And I bet her ex brother-in-law wouldn't say she is "nice". LOL.
Drill the oil in Alaska. The gas price will go down and cheap. Our America need to be OWN of OIL not belong to Canada and Saudi Arab's big oil. You see Canada have a great environment like Alaska. But why Canada drilled a oil? It' not make sense to me. They are worrying about ANWR Alaska Drill will hurt the wildfire and environment. :roll: They are too much worrying and have a panic attack. Blah Blah Let it go!

No, the solution is to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, not destroy the environment. Thomas Edison had it right years ago.
:roll: I don't believe it. Al Gore started made it up a :bsflag: about global warming. I will figure it out what Palin will talk about her state. I am not buy liberal's story. You called me a stupid. That's not nice! You're the blind about Iraq's issue. You know nothing about military. You don't need to discuss with everyone who is conservative about abortion. Just respect their view. You are trying to change someone's mind. I am not here to argue with you. It's enough to say. Let you figure it out by yourself.

He's already got it figured out. You would do well to put as much thought into your position as he has done.
Al Gore isn't making up anything. You're just too stubborn and ignorant to see the changes to our environment and weather patterns.

Keep denying it because when it's all said and done, you, along with other deniers, will be sorry in the long run.

The polar ice caps are at their lowest point ever. Hurricanes are on the increase. Temperature extremes are evident everywhere. Oh, yeah, global warming is BS!:roll:
I definitely do NOT want to be sorry in the long run cuz once the environment is permamently damaged, it is irreversable. I do not want to take my chances which is why i am willing to resort to bike riding or even walking in order to give up my truck. The Earth is much much more valuable to me and my future children have the right to a healthy environment. That is very important to me and if a candidate values that, my vote is in.

Exactly. People want to bring a pro-life stance into this. What about the children that are already born? What about providing them with a healthy environment? They have the right to live in such, don't they? Let's protect the lives of those already here.
I bet Al Gore would make a pretty damned good Secretary of Energy. Or even secretary of state. Ah, the possibilities... How about Gen. Wesley Clark as Secretary of Defense.

Back on Topic:
For some unbelievable reason, this is still a fairly close race. Personally, I think by picking Palin, John McCain (or whoever actually decided on Palin) just clinched this election for Obama.

Having a working vagina is not enough criteria to win over Hillary supporters. This is clear pandering, though I wouldn't expect any more from the McCain camp...or neo-conservatives in general for that matter. She's Rush Limbaugh's little darlng...if that tells you anything.

It's clear that John McCain has no control over his campaign. Is he fit for office? It seems that the republicans will cling to any semblance of Reagan then can find...even signs of Alzheimer's. And besides - any former POW who flips they're position on torture just to get elected is open season for ridicule in my book. I'd love to see just one reporter ask him to his face if water boarding worked on him...or bamboo shoots under the fingernails. Now THAT would be a response worth paying attention to. Everything else out of his mouth is just nonsense.

And picking Palin is just another example of just how out of touch republicans are with the public. And just how stupid they think we are.



:gpost::gpost: And I totally agree. Their obvious pandering is an insult to the intelligence of the American public.
Whoa... Pinky. Everyone have own an opinion. I don't know why you take it so personal... Sure, we disagreed with some posts here but we are an ignorant just because we are disagreeing? I don't think so. Please don't get piss off for what they said... Let them go.

Anyway... I'm not surprise when I will get a flame by AD'ers soon...

But... I hate to blurt it out... I really hate when AD'ers pick on Christians all the times... Am I an ignorant for not trusting or supporting Obama? I don't think so. It's my opinion and I already considered for so long a time before I became a semi netural. Some of AD'ers thought I am the McCain suppoter - Whoa, wait a minute. Not yet... It's getting annoy when they're simply point at Christians often as if they "start" it.

Believe it or not, some Christian friends of mine and other Christians (that I don't know who they are) do support Obama. You gotta know that. Not all Christians are pro-Obama...

I still can see Christiaphobic comments anywhere else in AllDeaf. I just wish they just stop make an assumption about Christains all the time. Sighs. :(

No, not supporting Obama does not make you ignorant. As long as anyone has informed themselves of the real issues, and based their choice on valid concerns, they are not ignorant.

However, when they parrot ridiculous statements that have been fed to them that are totally innacurate, and base their support on how pretty someone is, I'd say they are living in ignorance.
Remember when McCain resigned from Gallaudet's board of trustees, and still supported JFK's "not deaf enough" as being the reason that the gally protests were happening? I did not see him speaking to the protesters themselves - he only listened to one side, and made the determination about the protest. You can learn more about this at Gallaudet Trustees Chair Resigns -

Obama is quite right when he said that about McCain:
Now, I don't believe that Senator McCain doesn't care what's going on in the lives of Americans. I just think he doesn't know.
It's not because John McCain doesn't care. It's because John McCain doesn't get it.
(both quotes from Senator Barack Obama - Democratic National Convention)

This is NOT who I want to be our President of USA. I want our President to listen to what is truly going on and NOT to sink his or her head into the sand while having some skewered priorities about what is best for our nation. A President ought have the courage to be able to see the bigger picture and truly see what is best for our nation in this day and age. I was so disappointed when McCain resigned from the Board of Trustees and ran away from the heat of the Gallaudet protests without displaying one iota of excellent leadership that he claims to have for being the President of USA. He had the chance as a leader to contribute to unity.. but instead, he behaved in a divisive manner. A good leadership quality? If he can't handle a bunch of deaf protesters, then how the hell can he handle an entire country with amazing diversity of everything?

And now McCain chose this person from Alaska to be his VP pick -- clearly another cheap publicity stunt to score votes from whoever he hopes can fall for it and seemingly to befuddle or alienate his voting base at the same time. I am even insulted he did not pick someone more qualified to give Obama a run for his money. If he strategizes in this manner, then once again, I don't want him to be our national leader. Where is the strong focus on environment where it so richly needs that a leader should be giving? Energy does not need to be the only focus. Republican leaders seem to only care about instant self gratification and the smaller picture. Oh yeah, this strategy is good until we run out of resources we are so used to. I'd love to be proven wrong, so please, someone do this if possible. It is already disturbing to me that leaders would not give important issues the focus they need.

Huh, Hurricane Gustav and college football season will probably distract people from watching the Republican convention next week. Oh well, good thing we can have transcripts.
Yes and no, we could try it, it could be work or not.

Other optional, auto companies need put more mpg, such as increase of technology and change the frame but same size, especially on SUV and truck, sale of SUV is fairly poor right now and need change the technology to increase mpg, it would target to Americans who wish want own SUV due preference and comfortable with great mpg.

We should focus on renewable energy as well.

Have you checked out the very valid plans that Obama has for accomplishing just this?
Remember when McCain resigned from Gallaudet's board of trustees, and still supported JFK's "not deaf enough" as being the reason that the gally protests were happening? I did not see him speaking to the protesters themselves - he only listened to one side, and made the determination about the protest. You can learn more about this at Gallaudet Trustees Chair Resigns -

Obama is quite right when he said that about McCain:

(both quotes from Senator Barack Obama - Democratic National Convention)

This is NOT who I want to be our President of USA. I want our President to listen to what is truly going on and NOT to sink his or her head into the sand while having some skewered priorities about what is best for our nation. A President ought have the courage to be able to see the bigger picture and truly see what is best for our nation in this day and age. I was so disappointed when McCain resigned from the Board of Trustees and ran away from the heat of the Gallaudet protests without displaying one iota of excellent leadership that he claims to have for being the President of USA. He had the chance as a leader to contribute to unity.. but instead, he behaved in a divisive manner. A good leadership quality? If he can't handle a bunch of deaf protesters, then how the hell can he handle an entire country with amazing diversity of everything?

And now McCain chose this person from Alaska to be his VP pick -- clearly another cheap publicity stunt to score votes from whoever he hopes can fall for it and seemingly to befuddle or alienate his voting base at the same time. I am even insulted he did not pick someone more qualified to give Obama a run for his money. If he strategizes in this manner, then once again, I don't want him to be our national leader. Where is the strong focus on environment where it so richly needs that a leader should be giving? Energy does not need to be the only focus. Republican leaders seem to only care about instant self gratification and the smaller picture. Oh yeah, this strategy is good until we run out of resources we are so used to. I'd love to be proven wrong, so please, someone do this if possible. It is already disturbing to me that leaders would not give important issues the focus they need.

Huh, Hurricane Gustav and college football season will probably distract people from watching the Republican convention next week. Oh well, good thing we can have transcripts.

Another well stated post.
Pro life means you are against taking the life of the defenseless, and that there are exceptions in everything. You will note that I have never said "there is never cause for abortion". But even if the mothers life will be saved, it is still a murder. The police call it justifiable homicide. But is a homicide none the less. Lets not sanitize the language for comforts sake. If I had aborted my baby as others said I had the right to do, it would have still killed the baby. There is a difference also in a warrior placing their life at risk to protect innocent people in our country.

The moment you add words like defenseless, and exceptions, you start rationalizing it. You have your own exceptions and somebody has their. That is why killings does not and never will end as long as this is the norm. A warrior can not be pro life, it is against the nature of the word warrior. These are not word games, it is a fact. If a person is protector of life, then he will not take life what so ever. If a person has his own exceptions and rights to kill, then everybody else has their own reasons to end another life. One persons personal morals for justifying his own actions is not more holly than others.

The moment you add words like defenseless, and exceptions, you start rationalizing it. You have your own exceptions and somebody has their. That is why killings does not and never will end as long as this is the norm. A warrior can not be pro life, it is against the nature of the word warrior. These are not word games, it is a fact. If a person is protector of life, then he can not take life what so ever. If a person has his own exceptions and rights to kill, then everybody else has their own reasons to end another life. One persons personal morals for justifying his own actions is not more holly than others.


Well said, Hermes. I for one am tired of the pro-life claims of those that are decidedly not pro-life, but simply anti-choice. If one has a conviction of pro-life, then one must stick to it without convenient exception.
Let me just throw this out there:

McCain is 72 years old and has had cancer 4 times. That creates a greater than average chance of his VP actually taking office at some point in his term....
R. Reagan was almost 78 years old when his second term ended; he didn't die in office.

JFK was only 46 when he was killed, and Abraham Lincoln was only 56. Their relative youth didn't guarantee full terms.

FDR was 63 years old when he died of natural causes, and William Henry Harrison was 68 years old when he died of natural causes.

The point is, you never know when your time is up. Old or young, the President could die or become incapacitated at any time, any age.

There were some presidents who served for periods without vice presidents, so we also have to consider who is next in line in that scenario.

There are all kinds of "what ifs" in life that can happen; no one can predict what will happen.

I'm just throwing this out there. This is not "for" or "against" anyone; just food for thought.
The above was copied from the link you gave Byrdie. This officer sounds like someone who needed to be off the force. She apparently is trying to clean up the mess made by people who made bad decisions. But I'm glad this cop is gone.

Yes I know that but if you continue to read below:

Might be a good idea if that investigation were completed prior to her accepting the VP running mate position, huh?

Afterall it could come back and bite her on the a**!

I said she was a poor choice as a VP.

Poor choice? More like bad choice! Afterall when she was giving her speech in Dayton, Ohio, I noticed that McCain was looking at her....."headlights". I thought it was ironic that he would choose a former model who bears a resemblance to his first wife whom he divorced.

The USA military need to protect people coming first than environment.

We need to protect the environment because we are doing a good job in killing ourselves!

I bet Al Gore would make a pretty damned good Secretary of Energy. Or even secretary of state. Ah, the possibilities... How about Gen. Wesley Clark as Secretary of Defense.

Actually I would pick T. Boone Pickens for Secretary of Energy.

[Mod's Edit - Unnecessary Comment removed]
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I am so happy that McCain picked Sarah Palin for VP. She is very beautiful! I love her beautiful smile. I am sure that they will be great president than Obama and Biden. Sarah is the most experience in her own state than Liberal made up a liar about polar bear, against drill an oil.

Sarah Palin was a Pargent Queen of Miss Alaska long times ago. She is so bright as beautiful spirit ever I saw. She have a beautiful 5 kids. Her last son has down syndrome age 6 months old.

lol, youre an idiot.
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