Maui gave me an owie:-)


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Oct 10, 2011
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On our 3rd day here in Maui I broke my leg. We are at Maui Memorial Center until it is time to fly home. I have been in the hospital since Tuesday. Extremely painful and we will see my orthopedic surgeon when I get home. ALCOHOL WAS NOT INVOLVED.haha

I feel so bad I ruined our much needed vacation. Didn't get a chance to renew our vows, makes me so sad. Hospital staff is amazing which has helped. The bad part is the injury requires no weight baring for 3-4 months.
The hospital is trying to get us in first class so I will have room to elevate my leg. It doesn't look too promising tho cos the flight is full.

That is my update from Maui:-:)-(
Maybe a FC passenger (or two) will offer their seats once they see you.
Oh I'm so very sorry to read this...... My heart goes out to you and your husband.

I have FFM (frequent flyer miles) I can donate to you for an upgrade to First Class, if that would help. I should have enough to cover you and your husband. Let me know.
I am really sorry to hear that. How did you break your leg??
Oh man that sucks!!!!!!!! I loved maui when I was there for 10 days. Hopefully you can still go to places before flying home. go on road trip around hana road. go to Haleakala mountains and look at scenery and telescope building ( would be cool if you got up real early in morning and watch sunrise from top. If you aree feeling up to it- go on breakfast or lunch or dinner cruise on jammer or maui princess. etc .
I have a tibial plateau fracture. Non weight bearing for 3-4 months. It is extremely swollen, bruised and very painful. Still in the hospital with no release date. Hubby and I were standing in 2 feet of water at the shore line. A small but strong wave came knocking us both down. It pushed my knee in the opposite direction and I felt it crack. Been in the hospital since. Hospital is trying to get my swelling and pain under control before our flight.
Getting Lovenox shots in my stomach daily to prevent blood clots. Once we make it home I will see my own Orthopedic surgeon and he will decide what to do next. I am so bummed I ruined our trip. Hubby has been amazing like usual. Scheduled to fly home Sunday we shall see. Thanks for asking.
It does not sound as YOU did anything to ruin the trip but more like the wave did. Things happen and it's not your fault so DON'T blame yourself!!
I hope you received the flowers I sent you today at Maui Memorial Center? Again, if my FFM can help you and your husband upgrade to first class Im happy to donate them to ya.

Praying you have a pain free flight home tomorrow.

Sorry this happened and wishing you a quick recovery.
Oh wow...that sounds absolutely sympathies...but it's a good excuse to take another try at Maui when you've recovered. :) Hopefully you'll get to enjoy some of the good weather before you leave.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

I hope you received the flowers I sent you today at Maui Memorial Center? Again, if my FFM can help you and your husband upgrade to first class Im happy to donate them to ya.

Praying you have a pain free flight home tomorrow.

Sorry this happened and wishing you a quick recovery.

And you will be there, in the kitchen, holding the bunny, when they arrive home... :cold:

Who says deaf people don't know how to have fun! ??
Survived the flight home. There was only one empty seat on the flight and it was in our row, last row in the back. They used a small wheelchair to transport me on and off the flight.
Marley is with me once again which makes me so happy. In fact she has not left my side and gives me the sweetest look when I moan in pain.
I have no clue how long this kind of pain lasts. I am pretty good dealing with pain but this is CRAZY!!
I will see the orthopedic surgeon as soon as they can get me in. For now I am staying put in my recliner and only move when absoultely necessary:)
Hubby is amazing like usual even though I had to wake him up 3 times last night. Now he has to take time off of work and currently out doing a bunch of MY errands.
I was so worried about my ears hurting on the flight, good news they didn't. Hahahaha
Desperately want to be able to roll over, my arse is getting sore.:) Trying to stay positive cos this is my favorite time of year. Watching all the Christmas commercials is stressing me out a little since shopping will be limited this year. Still making hubby laugh which is always the best medicine. Still waiting to get an appointment with my Orthopedic surgeon, HMO referrals take forever.
Desperately want to be able to roll over, my arse is getting sore.:) Trying to stay positive cos this is my favorite time of year. Watching all the Christmas commercials is stressing me out a little since shopping will be limited this year. Still making hubby laugh which is always the best medicine. Still waiting to get an appointment with my Orthopedic surgeon, HMO referrals take forever.

Think Amazon. They will send almost anything right to your door!
I love Amazon too!! If they could send me some elves to bring me a tree, decorate it and the house and wrap my gifts then that would be amazing. I will figure it out and make it work, always do!!!