Maths and English


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Dec 29, 2007
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I am not bad at english, I can spell and read very good!

But maths is my worst problem, I just cannot do it, its getting me down. I cant really work out problems really quickly I cannot do it in my head at all, I find fractions, decimals and most mathematical stuff hard, it takes me a long time to finally "get" the stuff.

Anybody else the same?
I am not bad at english, I can spell and read very good!

But maths is my worst problem, I just cannot do it, its getting me down. I cant really work out problems really quickly I cannot do it in my head at all, I find fractions, decimals and most mathematical stuff hard, it takes me a long time to finally "get" the stuff.

Anybody else the same?

**Raising my hand** I'm HORRIBLE in math!! So much so a counselor in college wanted me tested for a math disability-- I just don't get it~~ my brother who was a High school student at the time, took the time to teach me when we lived in the same town, and now that I'm away from him when I took classes-- not so great!!

I'm a history/social sciences person... do well in most English classes and kick butt in US History-- but Math, nope! (my brother the math/science guy-- stinks at History and English! LOL so we even things out!)
I HATE maths., I had maths today, urgh it stresses me out soo much! And Im only doing Level 2 Maths. At GCSE I only got a D at GCSE level so I am being forced to take level 2 maths so i get equivalent of a C *sighs*

iv never been good at maths. Urgh.... and i failed my level 2 maths exam yesterday
Math is awful! Whenever I'm stumped, I just ask my 12 yr. old! He takes advanced geometry and algebra. But I'm pretty good with English.
I hate to admit it, but English is my only strong subject.. Basic math and money management I am ok at, but higher levels just leave me shaking my head.
I am good with both English and Math.... that's because I was subjected to intensive after-school classes. :mad2:

my hearing friend is outstanding in English and he's a journalist. that's where i frequently go to him for help with English. However - he's just TERRIBLE with math. He cannot even grasp the basic understanding of college math so I had to tutor him because basic math courses are the requirement in order to graduate college. I'm glad to say that he did pass :)

It's just to show you even the smartest man alive does suck in some subject. :cool2:
There are learning disabilities that affect math skills.

Someone sent me a link on here to a page about Dyscalculia... (did I spell that right? LOL) I'll have to try to find it and post it again...
We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Maybe Math isn't your greatest strength- you"ll have to work harder in it then you do other subject areas. Try to get an one-on-one tutor who can communicate well with you to see if that helps.
Hello, I have a 'terp in all my lessons, she helps me too as well as my tutor, im not the only one in the class who are having bad problems with math.
Some interpreters are not qualified to be make sure that person is able to tutor. ;)
she doesnt tutor me, she just explains more about what the teachers saying and write it down and shows me how to do it
Then it may be the teacher who needs to change her teaching methods. Is this a high school class or college class?
I'm very good at math, but I'm pretty horrendous at English. I have good grammar but I can't interpret poems to save my life. Once I read a poem and I thought it was about love, and uuuuuh turns out that it was about abortion. How did I miss that? Needless to say, I can't understand Shakespeare's writings either. (Although, I do like certain lines.)

Also, very bad at history. I am not very good at memorization. I'm more of a problem solver.

Some people are good at things. Some are not. Oh well.
And the cool thing about can sometimes solve the problem by spelling out the But not always. Often Dyscalculia is conjoined with another type of dyslexia, if I remember correctly. But it does happen - and it's underdiagnosed.
It's a college class, my major is childcare but those people who got a d or below in their maths gcse have to do their level 2 maths.
Did you complete your assignments and practice the material til you understood it? Or are you avoiding it like a kid refusing brussels sprouts? That's part of education, the basics of various subjects have to be understood, especially if it is not related to your major. Anyone can learn it if you put your mind to it.

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