Masturbation may prevent prostate cancer


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May 20, 2003
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Masturbation may prevent prostate cancer

Frequent masturbation may help men cut their risk of contracting prostate cancer, Australian researchers have found. It is believed that carcinogens may build up in the prostate if men do not ejaculate regularly, BBC News reported on Wednesday. The researchers surveyed more than 1,000 men who had developed prostate cancer, and 1,250 men who had not. They found that men who had ejaculated the most between the ages of 20 and 50 were the least likely to get cancer. Men who ejaculated more than five times each week were a third less likely to develop prostate cancer.

Sexual intercourse may not have the same effect because of the higher risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, which could in turn raise the risk of cancer. "Had we been able to remove ejaculations associated with sexual intercourse, there should have been an even stronger protective effect of ejaculations," Graham Giles of the Cancer Council Victoria, who led the researchers, said in the article.

The prostate produces a fluid that is incorporated into ejaculation, which activates sperm and prevents them from sticking together. Studies on animals have shown that carcinogens like 3-methylchloranthrene can be harbored in the prostate. Frequent ejaculation encourages the cancer-inducing fluids to "flush out." (The Advocate) If you'd like to know more, you can find stories related to Masturbation may prevent prostate cancer.
I knew that I did that for a reason. I just wasn't sure what the reason was. Now I know... Thanks Kalista :rofl:
I don't want to masturbate anymore. I'll ask any girl who can masturbate for me.
You mean the choice is now get prostate cancer or go blind?
Heck, what do you men need a reason for? Granted it's a nice incentive but ya'll didn't even need that, did you? ;)
Ah-a, so you must have quite a hairy palm.

Ha ha ha ha ha, how come every time that old tale is mentioned, someone always sneaks a peek at his palms?
oh that is good news! then dont blame men who frequ.. masb! lol! now there are proof! no question.. but i want ladies masb my thing! lol! oh well i wait for them to do for me! lol!
Now, finding a woman who also likes giving handjobs will be an important bonus for health reasons...;)

hmm good question about womean, Dino65, i reckon it seems likely that masturbation for either sex has alot to do with discharging cancer-causing toxins from sexual organs (caricagons).

ample amount of zinc tablets or food rich in zinc in your diet also helps,

for those of you into weighttraining in gyms, some fo you might take Whey protein supplements, its apparently thats the most expensive Wheys, pick Isolate not concentrate (maybe a few really premium concentrate/isolate blend might be good enough) was reported to help to prevent prostate cancer
here is the link
Whey Protein May Prevent Prostate Cancer - Healtheries
Oh, come on guys. Be honest here. If masturbation prevented prostate cancer, no man would ever contract it!:giggle: