
TOOK A PIC FINISH got managed to get a speck of mars in site its GORGEOUS like a diamond showing the way it sparkles like that this is one for the books! totally spectular!

IDIOT me forgot to add, will post the pic tmw as i need to get this on CD ( not have my usb port seem to have lost it ARGH!)
here's a bit of news abt mars enjoy reading :)

SYDNEY, Australia (Aug. 27) - Mars glowed bright in the night sky Wednesday as the red planet made its closest pass to the Earth in 60,000 years, delighting astronomers and thousands of onlookers.

Mars usually averages about 140 million miles away from Earth, but on Wednesday its orbit brought it about 34.6 million miles away, reaching the closest point at 5:46 a.m. EDT. The planet will not be so close to Earth again until 2287.

American astronomers were jubilant over the close pass, which enabled the Hubble Space Telescope to get dramatic pictures of the planet's surface.

''We've never seen this kind of resolution in Hubble images, that kind of detail,'' said Cornell University astronomer Jim Bell said, pointing to a canyon wall on the Valles Marineris, a giant canyon that runs 2,800 miles across the red planet.

The southern hemisphere was favored for viewing because Mars was much higher in the sky there than in the north. In the United States or in Europe, Mars will not get 20 or 30 degrees above the horizon while in Argentina or Australia it will be at 70 degrees, nearly directly over the heads of viewers.

''Australia is as good as anywhere, but Africa would be very good as well,'' said Nick Lomb, Sydney Observatory's curator of astronomy.

South of the equator, Mars' high position in sky means less atmosphere to obscure the view, particularly through telescopes, he said.

Cloudy weather had threatened to spoil the view but the sky cleared over Sydney and thousands of people took advantage of the unexpected clear conditions over Sydney to seek a glimpse of the planet in the eastern sky. The view got better overnight Wednesday as Mars rose in the horizon.

AP-NY-08-27-03 1018EDT
Heh, this is probably too late, but check your local observatory. . .

I did, and sure enough, it was open to the public, and very crowded. I went at 12:30 am, and was peeking through one of the largest telescopes i've ever seen within 30 minutes :)

It was a nice view, to say the least.
No, its not too late! Mars should easily seen from 10:00 PM to about 4:00AM! Look out your window and look South! Its the brightest thing in the sky. You can't miss it!
Bush_in_2004! said:
No, its not too late! Mars should easily seen from 10:00 PM to about 4:00AM! Look out your window and look South! Its the brightest thing in the sky. You can't miss it!

seesh.. just looked outside.. WOW! it looks like a mini moon... amazing!
I already saw it few days ago... my dad showed me.. and it looks like orange/red speck circle but i wish i had the telescope to see it . but it was interesting.. we wont be able to see it again in the future for long time. heh
im glad you people seen the beautiful red planet last night. i saw it, too.
it's too beautiful to see, not white light as star, but real red light which it really mars.

it's cool.
"we wont be able to see it again in the future for long time"

thats not true. You can see Mars almost every night for the rest of your life -- it won't be as bright.

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