natural curiosity Same as asking "how does blind people know when to stop wiping their ass?"
Have you ever asked?
That is my curiosity. LOL
If two persons married a pair of cojoined twins that only shared one body (heads on one body), how would that work out?
Guess what? Just read that Islam is against cojoined twins being married, since they forbid third parties during intimacy. Marriage of Conjoined Twins - - Ask The Scholar
VIOLET HILTON: I am Violet Hilton. This is my prospective husband, Maurice Lambert. Yesterday we tried very hard to procure a marriage licence both in the states of New York and New Jersey, but in both places were refused. I feel very, very unhappy about it because I love Maurice very, very dearly and he loves me and I don’t see any reason in the world why we should be denied the pleasure of being happy.
NARRATOR: Violet was refused a marriage licence in 21 different states.
ALICE DREGER: The notion was that this was a moral outrage, that if you had two conjoined twins getting married that meant that you’d essentially be sanctioning group sex. What that fails to understand is that conjoined twins when they have sex they always describe it as having sex one on one, that is the other conjoined twin who’s in the bed with them simply zones out and pays attention to something else.
DAISY HILTON: I think that my sister’s marriage will be a very wonderful thing because I know they love each other and intend to be married just as soon as possible.
NARRATOR: In time both Violet and Daisy were allowed to marry. Neither marriage lasted long, but the sisters had no desire to separate from each other. They were offered surgery, but turned it down. In 1969 they died within hours of each other. And that is the fate of twins who remain conjoined. They live together and die together. The original Siamese twins, Eng and Chang, were 61 when one of the brothers fell ill.
I don't see the big deal. People are treating this like it's such a huge deal, but it's not. A person has to be willing to see the twins as individuals, and there must be communication and cooperation, but beyond that, exactly WHAT is the big deal?
Sex is probably not a problem for the conjoined, but that would depend largely on how they are conjoined and what organs are shared, ect. As long as there is open communication and cooperation amongst the twins and their partners are open and love them as the individuals, it's not a problem.
I would suggest that people research this topic and learn about it before posting. A little knowledge goes a long way.
As for Islam being against it, so? The Islamic faith prohibits alot and are very oppressive..
Forgive me for saying so, but I think there is alot of people in this thread who are driven by their misinformation and biases, and I find that appalling. This thread is nothing but a mockery to conjoined twins.
where did you get the information?
That was Chang and Eng Bunker. They had two complete separate bodies, just connected by a little band of skin. They were the original Siamese twins.
natural curiosity Same as asking "how does blind people know when to stop wiping their ass?"
Nothing to forgive, OB. You give me an opportunity to share my objective for having started this thread.
Aside from having an interest in sociological issues, I like to take any opportunity to expose my peers to issues I feel are important, and it is interesting to see varying thoughts. I see this as a learning process for myself as well as everyone.
In order to educate other people about deaf stuff, we have to be willing to be educated about other things people go through also. I'm not talking about forcing kids to talk about their 'disabilities' in a classrom as a part of an well intentioned but insipid program, but to do our own homework and to have a discussion. Through this, we have a learning opportunity. I can only hope there is respect involved. That way, if we meet two individuals who happen to be cojoined, we won't act so ignorant and bombard them with stupid questions or make comments lacking dignity. This is how I want people to be when they meet me, an individual who happens to be deaf.
Nothing to forgive, OB. You give me an opportunity to share my objective for having started this thread.
Aside from having an interest in sociological issues, I like to take any opportunity to expose my peers to issues I feel are important, and it is interesting to see varying thoughts. I see this as a learning process for myself as well as everyone.
In order to educate other people about deaf stuff, we have to be willing to be educated about other things people go through also. I'm not talking about forcing kids to talk about their 'disabilities' in a classrom as a part of an well intentioned but insipid program, but to do our own homework and to have a discussion. Through this, we have a learning opportunity. I can only hope there is respect involved. That way, if we meet two individuals who happen to be cojoined, we won't act so ignorant and bombard them with stupid questions or make comments lacking dignity. This is how I want people to be when they meet me, an individual who happens to be deaf.
No, it's not. Each twin is his or her own person. They just happened to be conjoined. We tend to think of twins as one unit, but in fact, they ARE two seperate individuals. To think of them as one is very insulting.
Why do people all they think about is s-e-x?
natural curiosity Same as asking "how does blind people know when to stop wiping their ass?"
The magazine, I read is German.
Don´t worry, you will get the English link to compare what I said an earlier. I have to go now to fitness studio and will be back for search the link for you later.
SG, I search some similar English links to compare what I know from read German magazine few months ago... I will look for magazines and scan here.
World's oldest conjoined twins refuse to be separated -
Conjoined TwinsAbigail and Brittany Hensel b 1990
10 Extraordinary Tales of Extraordinary Twins - The List Universe
I will trying to search more links later.
Uh, what do you mean?